This morning about 6:15 am I went for my morning walk. It wasn't too cold, about 35 degrees so too warm for ice.
But before I got 50 yards I slipped three times (but didn't fall) because of black ice. Thats something like black ich and another thing I don't believe in but we had such fog last night coming home from dinner that my windshield looked like sheet metal, rusty sheet metal. I couldn't see 5 feet.
Last night all that fog dropped to the road and turned into a thin sheet of ice. The more I walked the icier it got so I was afraid of breaking my hip and I'm not afraid of too many things. Komoto Dragons are one.
I am very sure footed and never fall as I have the ballance of a mountain goat, but what concerned me was that I saw 3 or 4 mountain goats laying on the side of the road and I could swear they had broken hips. They were doing that "BBBBAAAAAAHHH" thing.
I was also surprised when Dorithy Hamill skated by me at a good clip with that gold medal still hanging around her neck.
Anyway, yesterday, I invited two couples over for a dinner of linguine and white clam sauce, my favorite dish. So, after my walk, I made two loaves of Italian bread with olive oil and rosemary. I haven't baked it yet because it has to rise for 7 or 8 hours.
That's also one of the easiest dishes to make. I bought the clams this morning and after the bread is baked, I will also make some Brochette with some of it
We are supposed to get 5" of snow today, but usually, when they predict 5" of snow, it rains. You have to worry when they don't predict snow; then, we know we are in for a blizzard.
(I don't know if the pictures show up on this forum)