Help me Choose fish for my 180g


New member
Currently have a 180G running for a few years. Current tank mates:

Yellow tang
Blue tang
Naso tang
Box Anthea
Bangai Cardinal
Mandarin Goby
Diamond Goby
Ocellaris Clowns (2)

Would like to get a few more to achieve that full fish look. Open to more anthias, a sargassum trigger, etc but want more ideas.

Let me know you're favourites and why.



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Various Wrasse types are beautiful and enjoyable to watch. I personally love my 4 wrasses I have. I also have a Trio of Carberryi Anthias that are a pearly pink/orange depending on lighting and mood that are pretty schooling/shoaling together. My Linespot Flasher wrasse is probably my favorite. He tries to “court” my Anthias daily by flashing at them and turning 2/3rds of his body from red to a super blue fading to purple. Extremely beautiful and fun to watch. Id go with the smaller Anthias like the Carberryis and some smaller Wrasses to add more activity. I like the few bigs with lots of smalls swimming around makes the tank look full and always some activity to look at.
Maybe stick with what you have? As time goes by those fish will get BIGGER and that tank will get smaller. GL.