Help!!! need ROTIFERS for my newly hatched clown shrimp!!!!

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I have clown shrimp babies all over my tank!!!

Does anyone knows how to culture rotifers??? i need them for my new shrimp babies!!!
I found hundreds of babies in my tank tonight about 30 minutes after the lights were off. I seperate them and put it in a five gal. tank filled with about 1/4 of salt water from the main tank.

What should I do??
I went to breeders-registry and found out that they need rotifers to be able to survive...........HOW?? does anyone here knows???

I have a pair of clown shrimp(hymenocera sp.) and 2 cleaner shrimps....I think the babies are from my clown because of of my cleaners are carrying "green" eggs now....yes...BOTH!

I really want to keep the clown shrimps alive, but now I have no idea how to culture rotifers...I read a article that teaches how to do it...but I have no idea what it was saying!!!!

PLEASE HELP if anyone out there knows how to keep baby shrimps and/or know how to raise rotifers...I am ready to take the challenge..(well, no other choice, I don't want to see my jawfish and wrasses enjoying these babies).

thank you for any suggestions.....asap!!!

My project for this year it to culture rotifers.

1: Buy a copy of The Plankton Culture Manual
by Hoff and Snell.
2: Order cryopastes from BSD
3: Get resting rotifers from IA or FAF.
Also, pick up a bottle of Roti-rich.

Take a look at my site
it has at least one pointer to a rotifer culture article and links to BSD.

Good Luck;

FWIW, I thought I had cleaner shrimp propagating but it turned out that they were really mysid shrimp instead. They fend for themselves and you don't need to feed them and when I removed some to another tank to propagate, they didn't survive but the ones in the tang are thriving and multiplying. Algae seems to be their food of choice and when I add spirulina flake, they jump on a floating piece going by, and ride it while they eat it.

ICQ #30079114
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