Help with barely eating Power blue!


Premium Member
ok, picked up a powder blue about 2 weeks ago, and hes just been picking at the rocks.

ive tried....

live brine shrimp
formula 2 pellets
spectrum pellets
julians red nori
julians purple
rods fish food
formula 2 frozen
formula 1 frozen
mysis shrimp frozen

the only stuff he eats is regular green nori, attached to a rock close to where he hangs out most of the time. whenever i feed the tank, he just goes into the rocks and hides. hes not eating enough to get plump at all.
still very skinny. should i suspect internal parasites? ill try and get a pic real soon.
Try using garlic on the food as well as Cyclop-eeze. my Naso took a month to eat then became a pig
My blonde naso did nothing but pick at the rocks for about a week. I tried almost everything you did with no luck. The only thing you havent tried that i did have some luck with was Prime reef flakes. That was the 1st thing i was able to get him to eat. After that, he was the 1st one racing to the nori sheets.

I think he was just getting adjusted to the tank and other tangs and was a just little skittish at 1st:confused:
I would do as Joe suggested. Try giving him some food soaked in Garlic. I have done this in the past with stubborn fish and they eat it right up. I have had tangs that only grazed on the rockwork, but after introducing the garlic soaked food they began taking prepared food and nori sheets. Now they are like hungry little pigs whenever they see me coming LOL.
I would deff try garlic and if that doesnt work selcon, also find out what they were feeding him at the store you picked him up from.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12121610#post12121610 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by carlosngloria
I would deff try garlic and if that doesnt work selcon, also find out what they were feeding him at the store you picked him up from.

Assuming that he was already eating at the LFS is a pretty big assumption to make depending on which store he was from...
oops sorry i did forget even more things ive tried lol

i did try cyclopeeze a few times, along with soaking almost all the food in either garlic extreme, or garlic guard.

tried the food with or without the garlic.

what reefwreak said, he didnt eat at the store, he was very cheap part of jaws fish sale, so i said wth and gave it a shot.
he only pics at green nori, and just barely enough everyday to stay the same size everyday. EVERY other fish are so fat and happy, especially because im feeding ALOT more then normal to get him to eat.
If you have a power head try aiming it at where he hangs out at and defrost a cube of brine shrimp in garlic only and pour it by the power head and let it blow over to him.
Pro-V gelatin food- if u find it locally let me know cause I'm interested but certainly I know of no fish in many years that does not like it.
Gotta be careful with gelatin bound foods, as every time I feed it, and only feed it, my skimmer goes NUTS for DAYS and it's hard to get the binder skimmed out again after it screws up the water tension. I dunno if you've got the same problem with that beast of downdraft, but I do with my needlewheel.
Jaimie, try introducing new food and flavors in the nori itself , place your frozen food in the middle of the nori sheet and wrap it like an envelop, then place it in the rock were he is used to eating as he picks on the nori the little pieces of food will come out and he might pick on them.
We will call this recipe "Surprise Nori"