help, zoas seem to be melting away

Got same problem a while back with my Zoa and heard that marine pro should be use if u run calcium realtor, and it have low alk... Never had any problem with reg tropic marine though..
Check your alk ASAP. I gave up on that salt after numerous way low alk buckets.

+1, I just switched to D-D after losing some corals due to my alk from TM being 6. Couldn't figure out what was wrong for the longest time, I didn't think it could be the alk since for what TM costs their levels should be where they need to be.
Alright well if this is the problem, what should I do... switch salts? and you're right for the price of the salt this shouldn't be an issue...
I thought the good bacteria wasn't in the water column?

Most bacteria colonizes the substrate, rock and other surfaces. The problem is you are also significantly changing your parameters, say your tank is consuming more alk and cal than you think. Also trace elements we can't test for, etc etc etc.

It is my understand that kalkwasser in an ATO even mixed at 2 tsp to 1 gallon RODI is only 1/40th the strength of Randy's 2 part recipe so its not going to significantly raise your alk and cal, merely keep it stable.

Report back with your tests when you get your kits so we can be of more help.
Alright well if this is the problem, what should I do... switch salts? and you're right for the price of the salt this shouldn't be an issue...

That isn't necessary, just add alkalinity to your mix using the Reef Chemistry Calculator before you put it in your tank. Baking Soda is cheap.

I realize TMP should be higher, but you don't have to get rid of it... just one extra step is all.
Help I'm melting!

Help I'm melting!

I have a frag of Zoa's that are melting away because I never glued them to a rock and they have fallen onto the sand upside down so many times. Glue them and don't touch them. My other zoa's are spreading like crazy because they never fell and never got moved....:wildone::bounce1::wave:
yeah, it's weird because my other zoas are doing great, maybe those ones just got messed with too much? I also got rid of my pepp shrimp because he would pick at everything in the tank and it just made me uncomfortable even though people say they are safe.

What I'm trying to go for is to cover the sand bed with different zoa frags, while putting some sps or lps in the rocks down the road when I have a more stable tank and better lighting.
+1 on glue and leave alone...i had a colony start to look like it has loose teeth(letting go polyps) from falling to much...glued it and now its thriving
Alright well if this is the problem, what should I do... switch salts? and you're right for the price of the salt this shouldn't be an issue...

Test first. Quite a number of us have been burned, but numerous others are reporting no bad batches either. It's hard to tell without testing which group you're in.

I had 3-4 bad buckets (rock solid and/or 5 or less dKh and gave up on it).

Might be your issue, might not be. When you said you were using TM and weren't testing alk, that's the first thing that jumped into my mind.
Okay so I tested the alkalinity just now and I think I did it right, but the salifert test was a little confusing as well. Either way it was definitely in the 7-8 range so I guess that wouldn't be the problem right? PH has still been in the 7.8-8.2 range. All the other frags seem to be doing fine, do you think it was just something that ate the one?
lot of good info there^ If you are worried about your water I would do a water change too like was mentioned. After that when zoas aren't looking their best I dip them in coral revive or coral RX. Dipping them helps disinfect wounds that may have developed in the handling process. Lets face it, we slosh our corals around in a bag from the LFS, and they get some rough handling. Sometimes it can cause tissue damage, and that tissue becomes infected. Cleaning it will help keep infections in check, and it is a good practice to dip corals in this way I feel no matter how trusted the source b/c they type of injuries happen. Try that with the zoas now, you will be surprised what a dip a day for 3 days in a row will do for struggling zoas.