Here's some pcs of my Rics

gorgeous tank! but where are the fish????
nice rics, i esp like the pink/white yuma, rainbow one and the one behind the rainbow one
awsome pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I love the colors.

Do you feed your rics? I keep trying but the darn cleaner shrimp keeps stripping them.

What kind of flow if any do you have on the rics?
Kingfish - Thank you. I find some online, some local. You can find some on ebay at decent prices. I know reefgardener is good to deal with along with donovansreef.

Lokelani - Thank you also! I only have 2 fish, blue assessor and a tail spot blenny. Yes the pink and white yuma is one of my favs.

Scuba Josh - Thank you too! I used to feed them, but I don't anymore. Yep the cleaner shrimp is a pain in the booty. I keep them in low flow.
Thanks FLricordia and All Delight , I will look into those sites.

Yeah I know what you mean about the shrimp. Thats why i give my coral banded a few mysis and while he is busy with that I feed my other corals.
nice tank delight... do you have any actinic supplements with that halide? I'm shock that your rics can stand that much light... mine are all low in the the tank even with PC''s. otherwise they shrivel up.

Beautiful rics FL... I love them, they're what got me into corals.
Ok , here is my one and only ric "so far" . It is nothing flashy but looks healthy and has a good appetite.

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Todd - I don't have actinics. I'm thinking of replacing the pc's in my stock hood with all actinics and run them only at night or something.

Scuba Josh - My rics split, but slowly. I don't cut or induce them to split. If it happens it happens :). Usually it happens when they get bigger or oval shaped. I did notice that some that only had 1 mouth now have multiple mouths, so hopefully they'll split soon!
All-Delight...Could you tell us, what type of additives do you use, and what are your water changing habits?

I know shrooms and softies like it DIRTY...LOL
Wife - Thank you

Josh - I dose Reef Pure, calcium, mag, stron. Usually every other week. I test my water though to make sure things are in line and dose accordingly. I use tropic marin salt mix and I do water changes once a week, 5 gallons.