high flow


New member
I was wondering what small fish would do well in a high flow environment. The tank is 29 gallons and BB with a 60x turnover. Im looking for one or two small fish that wouldnt be overwhelmed. I had an ocellaris clown, but the flow was too much for her so I gave her to a friend. So currently the tank is fishless.
How was the current too much? These fish (especially many anemonefish) have too deal with far more flow than that. Just think of the ocellaris clownfish that reside in Heteractis magnifica and Stichodactyla gigantea--flow doesn't get too much higher than that. IME, almost any fish will do fine in the flow you have (except for seahorses, etc.). Your only real limitation is the maximum fish size.
Tank bred seldom witness high current, plus many poor swimmer (and other too) have trouble acclimating due to transportation stress.
