Hanna read 24 today so the water change really brought the phosphates down (now 0.074 mg/l). I'd be happy with this P04 reading any day. Salinity, pH and temp continue to be stable and well within normal range. Ca is in the 390's and Alk is 10 dkh. I'm going to change another 60 gallons shortly due to the progress I'm noting...
I have a piece of encrusting monitpora that has been almost completely devoid of polyps for the last several days. It's now fully covered in polyps. All of my Seriatopora is exhibiting good polyp extension. My red A milliepora is showing polyps as is my red planet. I'm convinced my A Youngi and Joe the coral are gonners because the STN is too far spread, but hoping the others are going to pull through. I also noticed that my Acans have excellent extension. All in all, things seem to be recovering. I'll continue to post updates as things progress.
I have a piece of encrusting monitpora that has been almost completely devoid of polyps for the last several days. It's now fully covered in polyps. All of my Seriatopora is exhibiting good polyp extension. My red A milliepora is showing polyps as is my red planet. I'm convinced my A Youngi and Joe the coral are gonners because the STN is too far spread, but hoping the others are going to pull through. I also noticed that my Acans have excellent extension. All in all, things seem to be recovering. I'll continue to post updates as things progress.