Higher Calcium Level for SPS Growth? (vs Health)

Fear or no fear..
I think you should really try a sea hare. They can go through a tank like yours in no time and completely eradicate hair algea.
Just have to get a healthy one. They are quite amazing.

Checked up on Sea Hare. Care level is Expert, and I think reason is below:

If it becomes startled, it may release a purple dye to repel attacking fish. In the home aquarium, the Sea Hare will need a good chemical filter system to quickly remove this toxic dye before it causes problems.

Maybe this warning is for Tanks with Little filtration. A sump and Skimmer Like I have could be no issue.
Sea Hare

So the LFS does have a few Sea Hares.

They will only sell Healthy ones, and monitor them for a few weeks. Will be on sale in a few days.

They are Extra Cautious selling these since they say if one dies, they can NUKE your tank!!

They also confirmed that one must have enough Algae for them to Survive. [ I pass that qualification with Flying Colors :) ]

Hmmm. If I do get one (after confirming which Specifies Specifically) , it will be monitored on my Web Cam.

Also will place in sump for a while, while doing all the Whirly testing. Don't want to spook it.
Growth Check [Bird of Paradise]

Time for a Growth Check. This goes back to a old Post where I predicted/projected the Bird of Paradise Size in 12 months (Purple Circle).

Looks like it's WAY ahead of schedule (After just 4 months).

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I like that you do your homework!
I have not actually seen or heard of one nuking a tank... Not saying it ain't possible, however...
Tough to tell in those photos what is going on, growth wise..
Ok.. The new shot sure looks healthy and bigger
Whirl-A-Vac (New Design) IS ALIVE

New Design works better than I thought.

Assembling Test Sequence Photo's to show results [Tested in my TANK!!]. Possibly tonight.

Son shot a video, that will come later.


Stay tuned....
★ Introducing ★ "Whirl-A-Vac (Elite) Nano"


- Original Concept, but new Spin Design (GEN2 - Turned Inside out)
- Super Thin, Fully flexible, Ultra Power Tip.
- Using Simple VAC for testing (Future Vac Chamber Design on Paper)

Cool eh?

Everyone's comments appreciated. I'm Pretty Proud of my accomplishment so far.

More to come....
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Whirl-A-Vac "Aquarium Cleaning System" (Fun Promo) On YouTube (Limited Time Sneak Peek)

I'm still in development, but had some Fun putting together this Promo Video.

Video Will be available for a limited time only (since this is not General Public and There is no actual product for Sale).

Whirl-A-Vac (PROMO) <<--- CLICK HERE

Working on the next GEN Prototype...
Haha, sweet!! I'd suggest you use a smaller siphon hose though so that you remove water slower. Or simply pinch the bigger tube.
Haha, sweet!! I'd suggest you use a smaller siphon hose though so that you remove water slower. Or simply pinch the bigger tube.

Soon...Working on the Gen 3 Prototype.

The SpinShaft is going inside the Siphon Tube, which will reduce flow a bit. (However I want more suction or funneling to catch more of the flying Debris)
Bit tricky to figure out the ideal way.

Plus a whole new feature (TOP SECRET at this point)
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The HUNT-IS-ON for Cowrie #2

So I've been busy with my Whirl-A-Vac that I haven't payed that much close attention to tank.

I haven't seen Cowrie #2 for a long while, and actually thought he may have died. (However no sign of empty shell ever found).

I have notice that Original Policipora getting worse (the one Cowrie #1 attacked), but thought it was just continued deterioration.

Today I noticed my 2nd's Pollicipora with a missing Polyp patch (Clean cut shave).


Cowrie #2 must be alive and doing same damage as #1.

Time to find him.

Time Lapse camera going back.
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Wally, never a dull moment in your reef!
Can't wait to see gen 3!
Any action on the sea hare?

- Yes, I agree with Never A dull moment. I bring it upon myself. Actually I'm now feeding the Tank Amino's lightly to boost up the GHA. It's working. :)

- Reason for the Algae Boost is I'll have Gen 3 ready by the weekend. Want to run a Real Full Tank sweep/cleanup test. (On Paper design should do wonders)

- Yes, I did check out Sea Hares. LFS didn't have any but they had something similar (forgot name). Sea Hares are Huge (Size of your palm). Too big for my polishing up needs in between SPS corals. They suggest a Nudibrach or other kind of Slug. Key is to get the right species.
GOT [Cowrie #2] !!

Yup, he is still alive. Night Camera caught him coming out after Lights out.

Was living right under the rocks near the newly Shaved Pollicipora.

Went right to eating Alage on Glass (Took a nice BIG swath of GHA off).

Too bad hes like a bit of Meat (SPS Polyps) with his Potatoes (Algae).

He has been caught and demoted to Sump Algae Duties.
Whirl-A-Vac [GEN-3 Beta] Test Results Coming.

So I found some time to build the GEN 3 Beta Whirl-A-Vac prototype.

Was planning on a short, quick test, but it worked so good, I cleaned the whole tank (right side) with a single pass for now.

Test results coming soon (Waiting for water to clear up).

Stay tuned...
G3 (Before & After)

I'll post the In-Action Shot's and Video soon.

Here is a quick peek at result of First Test. (I'll explain the improvements of the G3 Unit later).

..............(LEFT Photos are MH Lights) .................................................................................. (RIGHT Photos are Accent LED)

I did manually clean the pumps, heater (by hand) and glass (Magnet).

I worked mostly on right side of tank, a tiny bit in middle and left.

CUC should have a easier time to continue the Job, till my next pass sweep.
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Moving Forward (for FOOD Waste Reduction)...* NEW * Waveline DC Return Pump (For Fish Feeding Changes)

Building the Whirl-A-Vac was educational and Fun.

I have a spot cleaning tool (Algae, Detritus) for the future (this tank and my other).

However I can't be doing Full Blown Algae cleaning each month or so....So I'm making an adjustment to stop the Algae Growth. (No need for an Algae Farm anymore!!)

I got a DC 2500 Wavline Pump to replace my Supreme Mag 9.5 Return Pump. (It's already installed. Few days ago.).

I can't believe how small it is. Super Tiny!! (See below, the Waveline box includes Controller, and Connector parts)
Yet gives me almost the same flow as my Mag 9.5 (Which was too much anyway)....PLUS. (I got a pile of space now in my sump).


It's variable speed (Controlled by the Included nice controller, and also by my Apex [0-10V input] ).

Super quiet, and very little heat into the system.

Great Price for what you get!!

However that's not it's main purpose.

The purpose is to properly feed my fish for maximum food consumption by setting up a Complete/Proper Feeding Mode.

My Mag 9.5 would stall and sometimes not start up, so I never turned it off for feeding (And Sea Swirl would continue to scatter food).
Plus when Return goes off, Sump water would rise and drive my sump level off, affecting my skimmer and other things inside.
With the Waveline, I can reduce the return flow to a minimal trickle (Sump Water Level remains stable!!).

Also with the Waveline, I can program various speeds (Via Apex) to run my Return Sea Swirl variably.

I feel that my Continuous over-circulated tank was Scattering/Wasting food and part of my nutrient problem (which has led to the Algae problems).
It's also possible that my too high return flow, wasn't giving my skimmer the proper contact time for skimming.

If have the Tank water standing almost still (I can have a Proper Feeding Station).

All pumps will go into Feed mode, with my Apex Trigger Push Button. (I can push at right moment to ALSO stop the SeaSwirl in correct position).
Fish will come to food (not chase it) and consume All of It (Fish Might actually learn to eat pellets, which have only been scattered around all over for CUC).

I think this will help big time with Algae problems!!

Regardless, I love the Waveline change.
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ADVICE NEEDED (Why did my PO4 Jump from [0.04] to [0.24] so Rapidly (no changes to tank input) ?

- I noticed my Milli SPS Coral Bleach shortly after the Algae Purge. (Other Corals appeared stressed).
- Was trying to figure out why (but did water change to be safe)

AFTER 15% water change my tests showed up my P04 to be 0.24 (which is 4x my highest ever reading of 0.055)
I bet P04 was even higher before water change.

I have made no changes to anything other than Major GHA removal from my tank. Reading a week ago before GHA cleanup was 0.04.

** I assume 0.24 PO4 is too high for SPS ** (Correct?)
** I Have put on GFO to bring P04 down ** (Is this ok?)

Will be monitoring P04 levels daily. What level should I bring PO4 down to?

My guess is that my allowing Algae to grow was absorbing the Phosphate and I released a burst of Phosphates into the tank:

- When I removed a lot of GHA, rapidly, through siphoning and Sump Sock collection.
- I should have done small batch (removal) and cleaned Sock often, rather than allowing it to rinse through sock.

I should have done a water change right after Algae cleaning, and I should have probably run some extra Carbon to clean up water.
I could have done first past Algae Srubbing, into a Waste bucket (rather than a cycle through sump sock). 2nd Pass small clean up could have been through sump.

This is good learning to understand how to use the Wirl-A-Vac Algae cleaner!! (I have some more scrubbing to finish off, and will be more careful)

Anyone have any thoughts on this rapid PO4 spike?
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I think you nailed it. You removed a big part of your nutrient export with all that algae that you removed. I imagine that your rocks are leaching p04s.