Cleaning Station - For Piece by Piece Rebuild/Restore (Advice/Comments/Suggestions)
Before I embark on this project looking for feedback on ideas, warnings, etc.
With 2 week off around the corner, I plan to tackle the GHA infested Tank.
Sure the best way is A-La-Natural, but I've waiting long enough.
It still will be natural since I've reduce lighting in Tank and it will continue to age, hoping the ATS kicks in, plus I'll be doing sections at a time.
The plan is to setup my old Glass Sump, and use my Old 150W MH fixture from my other Tank, to setup a cleaning station.
- FISH will remain in TANK and rocks will be brought over in stages.
- I'll be matching the Water in the Cleaning station to my Tank (Calc, Alk, Temp, Salinity)
- The Station will be 1/2 to 3/4 full of water for flexibility
- I can match main MH lighting since tank will be half full and lights can be Raised/Lowered
- The Lux Meter I have (not Par Meter), which will allow me to place coral as near same lighting
- I'll make up some Coral Stands out of Crate to place coral at needed hieghts
- The Crate bottom will allow me to place rocks upright (same as in tank)
- The Frag Tray (Cage is to protect some corals from the Cowrie)
-----> I'll be place the Super Hungry Cowrie Conch and Snails, few hermits for a clean up crew into this cleaning station.
- There will be good circulation using my various old pumps and powerheads.
- I'll manually clean off the heavy GHA before placing in station.
- I have a old Hang ON Skimmer ready, but I won't be having any fish so may not be needed.
- I'll add a air stone to keep water oxygenated.
- I'll be pruning off some coral plugs for eventual new placements
- Once rocks/corals are cleaned off by low nutrient water, they will go back.
I'm not OVERLY concerned about most of the Acro's since they never did well and never achieve any coloration. I do want the Pollipolra and my prized Bird of Paradise to survive.
So any suggestions? Comments? Idea's?