Full Force - 4 Phase - "COUNTER STRIKE" (Against Algae)
Its good to see you not give up and continue the hard work. :thumbsup:
Thanks Sahin, for the encouragement.
I'm not giving up,
I'm coming back with a vengeance.
So the tank looks like this right now. (Algae has had time to Recover after Last Whirl-A-Vac Sweep)
I've been feeding tank extra, and Amino's to fatten up the Algae, however it is fading in the last sweep spots.
BUT Before testing the Final Version of Whirl-A-Vac,
my plan is TO NOT LET THE ALGAE recover this next time.
It will be total Annihilation (I hope!!)
HERE IS MY 4 Point Counter Attack Plan:
-----> Counter Attack 1 (Raise Skimmer & Increase Sump Water Volume)
It can't hurt to increase the Total Tank Water Volume for Stability and Nutrient Concentrations. Plus Easier Water Changes in
Completely done in Sump.
-----> Counter Attack 2 (Algae Scrubber)
I've been always wanting to build an Algae Scrubber, but don't have time at this point (or experience). So I bought the small version 0.6 of SantaMonica Drop. Will learn about scrubbing (if it works?), and eventually will go on my other tank, while a build a larger version for this SPS tank. (If it works?)
-----> Counter Attack 3 (Bottom Less Bucket Siphon Filter for Whirl-A-Vac Sumpless Cleaning)
So last time I did some Whirl-a-Vac testing, the pulverization of Algae Spiked my Phophates and had negative reaction of Corals. This was caused by siphoning the Algae removal through my sump, and letting it run a while.
Next Full Run of Whirl-a-Vac will be a total clean up of all Algae, so I don't want another Phosphate Spike (Possibly A bigger one).
So I've design and am building a Outside Sump Filter. Calling it the Bottomless Bucket. Since its simply a bucket to do my Shiphoning, but it will go through a series of Socks, and a Carbon cleanup stage.
The unit I'm building below is simply a Control Module that will act like a return pump, but Auto Controlled by a Float switch, if I take Siphon breaks.
I will also monitor P04 and have Phosphate reactor on Standby this time.
Bottomless Bucket Looks more complicated than it is. I'm handy with Electronics . Complete Build time will be about 1 will take an hour.
I'll be using it later for things like Water Changes. (Once Fresh Salt Water bucket is empty. Pump stops.) Setup Water change and leave design.
-----> Final Strike (WHIRL-A-VAC Gen-X)
Let's just say, I'm been busy (mostly on Paper) and some part selections for the Final Version.
It's going to be something else (Significantly improved). Maybe good enough to consider Cloning and Selling.
We'll see.
-----> Post Strike Clean up (Massive Snail Crew if needed)
With all above, I still figure I'll need a good Snail Crew for the Polishing.
Stay tuned....more come.