Higher Calcium Level for SPS Growth? (vs Health)

wally, did you re use the water that was siphoned off after the algae sock collection? Or did you dump all siphoned water?
I suspect the pulverized algea released p into the water that went through the sock..
wally, did you re use the water that was siphoned off after the algae sock collection? Or did you dump all siphoned water?
I suspect the pulverized algea released p into the water that went through the sock..

Yup, that was my mistake. When Pulverized Algae was removed, into a sock for cleaning. The Sock was long and sat in my Sump a while.

Plus as you say, I did let that extracted water run through my system. I never remove the water. I did this since I needed time to experiement.

Next run will be short, and water will be removed. I'll have replacement water handy.

I'm not disappointed. It's good to know.

Plus "Normally" you spot clean algae. I remove many grams of GHA all at once.
Higher Calcium Level for SPS Growth? (vs Health)

That is a bit high. Although one of my reef buddies is a vendor that specializes in sps and his po4, last he checked over a year ago, was .18 and his corals look great...so for starters - don't overreact!!!

I would concur with the statement that your rocks are likely saturated. Probably to the point where they could use an acid and lanthanum chloride treatment....
I would concur with the statement that your rocks are likely saturated. Probably to the point where they could use an acid and lanthanum chloride treatment....

I have never done this kind of treatment.

Let me watch PO4 for a while.

After all my Algae growing experiment was only a month or so.
My cleanup just happened a week ago.

No point in overreacting. Corals look much better today after Water change yesterday. (The 3 Bleached ones, are gone, and hoping for no more.. My favourites survived, so far).
PO4 Rising Tiny Bit (0.28)

The P04 continues to rise. Today's reading 0.28 from last nights 0.24.

Wow, I've never seen the Phosphorus (ppb) Test vial bluish.

The GFO is new, but I didn't put much for now.

I guess I could test the GFO reactor output and compare to input, to see if flow rate is effective. Correct?

Hey Phosphate over Undetectable, or Over 0.04-0.055 is new territory for me.
I bought the Hanna (ppb) since (ppm) was useless. Now I can make use of both (Positive side to this).

Learning is other positive side. [Glad to learn now with Frags, than someday with a Mature SPS tank]
P04 (GFO Reactor Input/Output) test.

GFO Water IN [ 0.28 ppm ]
GFO Water OUT [ 0.14 ppm ]

This should be ok, for a slow decline of P04. Assuming Rocks are not leaching higher rate.

We'll see.
Sound logic there Wally. Keep it up. I first exposed my tank to high po4, .1-.2, via misreading a test kit. Thought I was right in the conventional window .03-ish, when in actuality it was around .1

Coincidentally my acros had been looking better than ever. Once I realized I was reading the test wrong I decided I was not going to change a thing as the tank was FLOURISHING like I had never seen. I then started doing some searching, and talking to other sps guys and figured out that low po4 propaganda ;-) was just that...propaganda! The only downside, as you have discovered, is managing algae which can be easily and naturally managed. Good stuff and was a real revelation for me and my tank has only continued to improve
Quick Update: (Algae, Whirl-A-Vac and Cowrie)

Yes, things have been quiet on this Thread, (but I haven't slowed down, quite the opposite).

- I ran the Phosphate Reactor for a while (PO3 dropped down to 0.015), I removed it (Corals Doing much better, a bit of color loss since I think GHA growth is stealing tank of nutrients). I'm letting GHA continue to grow (Dosing Aminos) for my Whirl-A-Vac testing.

- Been working on Whirl-A-VAC (G4). Totally new design after doing an Acrylic workshop at the local Aquarium Club (MAST). It's going to be quite amazing (Quality and Features). Coming soon.

- I also got an idea about the Arabica Cowrie (which has been in sump).
- He polished the sump clean and I've been feeding him and Sump Crew Seaweed sheets.
- The IDEA is I'll be removing a few rocks at a time (covered with GHA, but no SPS) for Sump crew to clean, and put back cleaned rocks.

Stay tuned.
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Full Force - 4 Phase - "COUNTER STRIKE" (Against Algae)

Its good to see you not give up and continue the hard work. :thumbsup:

Thanks Sahin, for the encouragement.

I'm not giving up, I'm coming back with a vengeance.

So the tank looks like this right now. (Algae has had time to Recover after Last Whirl-A-Vac Sweep)


I've been feeding tank extra, and Amino's to fatten up the Algae, however it is fading in the last sweep spots.

BUT Before testing the Final Version of Whirl-A-Vac, my plan is TO NOT LET THE ALGAE recover this next time. It will be total Annihilation (I hope!!)

HERE IS MY 4 Point Counter Attack Plan:

-----> Counter Attack 1 (Raise Skimmer & Increase Sump Water Volume)

It can't hurt to increase the Total Tank Water Volume for Stability and Nutrient Concentrations. Plus Easier Water Changes in Completely done in Sump.

-----> Counter Attack 2 (Algae Scrubber)

I've been always wanting to build an Algae Scrubber, but don't have time at this point (or experience). So I bought the small version 0.6 of SantaMonica Drop. Will learn about scrubbing (if it works?), and eventually will go on my other tank, while a build a larger version for this SPS tank. (If it works?)

-----> Counter Attack 3 (Bottom Less Bucket Siphon Filter for Whirl-A-Vac Sumpless Cleaning)

So last time I did some Whirl-a-Vac testing, the pulverization of Algae Spiked my Phophates and had negative reaction of Corals. This was caused by siphoning the Algae removal through my sump, and letting it run a while.

Next Full Run of Whirl-a-Vac will be a total clean up of all Algae, so I don't want another Phosphate Spike (Possibly A bigger one).

So I've design and am building a Outside Sump Filter. Calling it the Bottomless Bucket. Since its simply a bucket to do my Shiphoning, but it will go through a series of Socks, and a Carbon cleanup stage.

The unit I'm building below is simply a Control Module that will act like a return pump, but Auto Controlled by a Float switch, if I take Siphon breaks.

I will also monitor P04 and have Phosphate reactor on Standby this time.


Bottomless Bucket Looks more complicated than it is. I'm handy with Electronics . Complete Build time will be about 1 will take an hour.

I'll be using it later for things like Water Changes. (Once Fresh Salt Water bucket is empty. Pump stops.) Setup Water change and leave design.

-----> Final Strike (WHIRL-A-VAC Gen-X)


Let's just say, I'm been busy (mostly on Paper) and some part selections for the Final Version.
It's going to be something else (Significantly improved). Maybe good enough to consider Cloning and Selling. We'll see.

-----> Post Strike Clean up (Massive Snail Crew if needed)

With all above, I still figure I'll need a good Snail Crew for the Polishing.

Stay tuned....more come.
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Wow, Wally. It seems like you don't sleep!
I admire your focus and dedication..

Question.. The bottomless bucket.. It is still a form of recycling the tank water, right?
Even though all whirl-a-vaced water goes through filter socks and carbon, the water is still reused in the tank?
Question.. The bottomless bucket.. It is still a form of recycling the tank water, right?
Even though all whirl-a-vaced water goes through filter socks and carbon, the water is still reused in the tank?

Yes, it's a mini empty sump with a Water Level Trigger return pump to a 2nd container, or back to your tank.

I built it so that I can test Whirl-A-Vac outside my Tank system. And for multi-stage filtration, that wouldn't fit in a sump (easily).

The Relay module has POWER CONTROL 4 relays, so technically you could control a daisy chain of 4 powerheads. (( Tank----->Bucket1-->Bucket2-->Bucket3---->Bucket4 -->Tank )).
That would be overkill, since you could stack settling buckets , one on top of each other to add stages. Or filter socks in sequence.

Depending on where you put the Float sensors, and orientation (right-side-up or up-side-down)..... (Sensors are Magetic Clip-on for Bucket/Container wall),....you could control to ensure no bucket Ever overflows, or pump stops when Bucket empty.

BTW. I just got a Fit-Bit Wrist Band to get myself sleeping Enough :) (I work from Home so it can get out of hand)
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BTW. I just got a Fit-Bit Wrist Band to get myself sleeping Enough :) (I work from Home so it can get out of hand)

That's the best wearable tech I've bought. Very useful and a helpful way for me to police myself with sleep, as I have a hard time sleeping consistently as well.
Yes. I love my fitbit. For walking/step monitoring, but many apps for phone can do pedometer function. Phones don't have altimeter so they can't monitor floors like a fitbit.

Plus the fitbit you wear all the time so it automatically tracks your sleep.
Fitbit is a keeper for me.

Anyway I have a update in tank. It's Kind of a mess. But it may be a good phase.
With my improvements; Skimmer raised and increased sump volume the green hair algae is reacting. Looks ugly compared to perfect green patches. Now Alage is thinning out, loosing greeing in areas Turning more into brownish color. But still strong in some areas

Also so far the Alage scrubber, it isn't growing anything. Could be too soon. Or it can't right now compete with my Alage scrubbing tank. I figure if I solve the tank algae problem, the ATS will eventually kick in. For now I put a tiny piece if cheato algae in it. To see if it grows. But most likely not since tank is scrubbing any phosphates/nitrates Just a guess.

Christmas break is coming and plan is to finish and final test the whirl-a-vac. Then stop the Alage growing experiment and get back my tank on track again.
At this point, you clearly have the nutrients in the water or the nuisance alge wouldn't be growing.
All things being equal- which they are since the scrubber and the nuisance algea are in the same system, the only thing you can do to give the scrubber the edge is to provide it with better light energy than the nuisance algea gets.. Seems to me the only way to allow the scrubber to outperform the nuisance algea is to give it the only edge you can- that's better light..
You could even reduce the tank lighting a bit for a week or two..

I quite enjoy my fitbit as well.. I don't plug in food or calories but the sleep and cardio fitness stats are cool.
I was talking with JBNY about his pax bellum cheato reactor and he told me that 18 hours for the cheato was the sweet spot. Not sure but I would assume that this may be the sweet spot for any algea.
Seems that it needs a bit of a rest to grow well..
Thanks for the tip. ÀTS light set for 18 hrs with that bit of cheato inside.

I also reduced my tank MH lights by an hour from 6hrs to 5.

Hope this tips the scale a bit in the right direction.

I am reaching my limit on this tank. My other tank is Alage spotless and a pleasure to watch and maintain. It wasn't that way till I got rid of My lights and went T5/Kessil LED. Had similar but not as bad issues with the MH.

This SPS tanks mh bulbs need to be changed soon. I'm thinking of putting the bulb money towards a similar replacement lighting like other tan. I would keep the 2 T5's and start looking into LED. But that is so opposite of what I thought I needed to grow SPS.

I could drop these 250W bulbs to 150W at a flick of a switch on my ballast and see what happens.
Algae would hate it and I could keep a longer photoperiod.