Higher Calcium Level for SPS Growth? (vs Health)

I've had two saltwater tanks. One I battled algae constantly. My current setup I've had almost no bad outbreaks. I find it interesting how some setups stuggle with algae and others you can feed a ton without having to bat an eyelash at algae.
I've had two saltwater tanks. One I battled algae constantly. My current setup I've had almost no bad outbreaks. I find it interesting how some setups stuggle with algae and others you can feed a ton without having to bat an eyelash at algae.

Yep, I have two and same situation. However my differences are Stronger Lighting for SPS, and BioLoad.
The ALGAE Hunger Games Continue (The Beast Enters the Game)

Appetizer Intro round is over. Contestants Acclimatized.

This next round may take a while. If not Great!! Have plenty more villains.

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ALGAE Hunger Games (Future Challengers)

The sponsors want excitement. I'm not for it. I just want my Algae free tank back.

However things may get boring watching Algae and Snails.

So we'll have some controlled & Safe exhibition events.

Photo below speaks pretty clear.

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Actually the Emerald Crab wasn't banished.

He somehow got thru the overflow grate, and took a ride down the return into the Sump. I simply left him there since he does get fed Seaweed and he is kind of a nice sump pet that I feed by hand.

The Hermit is quite interesting. He climbs things like crazy. In the tank he could scale the corner of the tank using the silicone sealed edges. But he did kill snails. Big Turbo snail too. He cleans the sump and does well, since he has at least tripled in size.

So here is a quick update.

Someone, or something has been busy. The Beast is losing the battle.

I'll review WebCam Shot's later and post.

Right now, I don't know what caused this change. But to me this is quite EXCITING!!

Can't be the Sea Hare, he is just hanging around in a corner. Hope he is ok.

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Nice to have a early reference post, since Algae Consumed and processed by CUC will certainly increase Phosphates in this closed system.

(Limited Exports other than Skimmer, and planned water changes as needed).
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ALGAE Hunger Games [GAME 1 - The Beast -A] Update: YouTube (Night 1)

So first night battle with the beast has some action.

You will be surprised who wins this round. I think there are two winners.

YOU TUBE Video Here.
I can see the cowrie up there. He certainly did a number..
Who else was involved.. Certainly wasn't the sea hare..
I don't think those sea hares are so bright.. Give him some time to get his bearings..
ALGAE Hunger Game (Award Ceremony - ROUND 1)


Sea Hare gets Honorable mentions for Speed and Sniffing around. Giving him time to get his bearings as mentioned by ReefMutt. I have my bets on him
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ALGAE Hunger Games (ROUND 2) - TEASER

Light haven't gone out yet for the night and I noticed this.


I believe the Beast-A will fall tonight.
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AGALE Hunger Games: (SPOILER)

You know I hate spoilers. Wouldn't want anyone to tell me the Outcome of the New Star Wars movie since I haven't seen it. Planning to go next week.

However in this case, folks are waiting for results. And they have been good.

So this Spoiler isn't really a Spoiler, to show the outcome of last day.

Yes the beast did fall !! But how?

Spectacular, look below at the Game Chamber Tank right now (5 minutes ago shot).


What is not spoiled is how this all happened. You will be surprised. Not quite what you think or imagine.

The editing staff, technical crew, and cast members are reviewing and editing the Web Cam results.

Make sure you have some popcorn and favourite movies snack handy. It will be worth the wait. Rating is G, so viewing for whole family.

Hoping to release the Episode in next 12-24 hours.

Stay tuned....
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Recruiting Help for the Story Line. (ALGAE Hunger Wars: Episode I - Algae Wars )



What started as a simple enhancement to the next Timelapse has become a major production. My son has been helping teaching me video/graphics skills.

So the film shooting is completed, and the Story Line pretty well set.

It's taken many hours, and still continues with the final editing.

Now in the Story mode, we are racking our brains for some extra entertainment content.


- Post your idea's for names for the Clean up crew.
- Anything funny to do with Algae, Algae clean up, Algae water conditions, etc
- Any puns to do with Reef Aquarium.

Everyone's input will be considered, however we can't promise everyone's idea will be used, since this task has become monumental.


Looking forward to release this Motion Picture.

DON't post on this thread. I am combining the movie effort into this MAIN THREAD

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Well, the sea hare is definitely Jabba the Hut.
Unless you want new made up names, in which case, you could call him ... The Great Globulous.
How about Cornelious Cowrie..
Hermit crab should be The Riddler..
I think that's all I got..
Oops.. I didn't read your whole post.. Sorry not algea related..