Higher Calcium Level for SPS Growth? (vs Health)

You're a true hardcore reefer Wally lol. I wanted to setup arduino for awhile now but have been too busy to start.

When it comes to sps I don't chase for growth, but I chase for colour and health. I have seen some reefers who has 2:1 growth rate for the same sps as mine but their colours are not as vibrant.

Here are my ideal parameters.
-alk 7.5-8.0. I start to run into issues if alk is above 8.5
-cal 420-440
-mag 1350-1450

Those parameters above works for me, but if your sps are doing well with nice colours then stick with you current parameters. Don't chase others' parameters because your sps might not like it and it may stresses them out.

To view some of my sps please go to http://www.coralid.ca.
Thanks GTAreef.

I'll take advice from you any day.

I do agree that color/quality is better than growth. Nothing worse that a large ugly SPS stick, compared to a beautiful small colony.

I like your natural no additive approach which you have preached to me, and something I've been bad about.

I've recently seen your tank and coral collection (personally), and the quality and colors of your SPS is amazing. Out of this world!!
Cyano Comeback (quick response) Cyano Clean working?

So over week or so I noticed what appeared like Cyano, but I wasn't sure if it was Cyano or Red Coralline. It was getting bigger on one rock.

As soon as a bubble appeared, I knew it was Cyano. And I've been down that horrible outbreak journey before.

I had left over Zeovit CyanoClean in my fridge and started treatment yesterday.

Check this out.


As per CyanoClean spec, if you see any Cyano, early treatment is recommended.

We'll see if it reappears after Lights come on.

But key is that I noticed and am reacting in advance of a Major Outbreak.

If needed, I'll suck the stuff out, but for now want to see if CyanoClean can do it by itself.
I learned last time (what not to do). Never Blow the stuff of the rock with a powerhead, it triggered my massive outbreak.

Plan to treat for a week to make sure it all goes away, everyone in my system.
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Yup. Typical Cyano.

Comes back when lights come on, and fades out overnight during Darkness.

CyanoClean Dosing continues at this point and watching closely. VERY CLOSELY.
EuroReef RS-80 Skimmer Pump Broke (Got a RLSS DB-8i to checkout)

So my EuroReef Pump broke (Power cord near pump so flaky starts). I already had one burn out a few years ago.

At the cost of a replacement pump/shipping it ain't worth replacing.

Plus I'll have two exact skimmer bodies & Spare Impeller to clean and swap, so that will be nice.

I picked up a RLSS DB8i at a good price from the manufacturer which is nearby.

This is a DC variable speed/Apex controllable Skimmer.


I brought it home to see how it will fit. I still can return it, so long as I don't wet it.
Footprint Smaller as my EuroReef but 3x more powerful. (It's smaller since pump is inside, and no external tubes. Water flows IN/OUT bottom.

However the water in drawn in from Bottom and exits bottom so has to be raised on a platform. (Which is what my other skimmer is on anyway).

The DB-6i is what I was planning to get, and it's rated at 100-200Gal (Remember My tank is only 65 Gals)
This DB-8i is 200-300 Gal, and the reason for going with larger is also I could eventually combine both my tanks into one sump.

Couldn't find many reviews on this radically different skimmer.
If I keep it, I may be first reviewer, so it's a bit risky.

However the predecessor RLSS R8-I is proven and highly rated.

Looks nice, fits nice, but that isn't as important as works effectively!!

Any opinions?
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Thanks GTAreef.

I'll take advice from you any day.

I do agree that color/quality is better than growth. Nothing worse that a large ugly SPS stick, compared to a beautiful small colony.

I like your natural no additive approach which you have preached to me, and something I've been bad about.

I've recently seen your tank and coral collection (personally), and the quality and colors of your SPS is amazing. Out of this world!!

Thank you for your compliment. I'm learning a lot from you too, so please keep up the good work!
RLSS DB8i Skimmer Review Coming Soon

So I've decided to keep the RSLL DB8i Skimmer. This is the new Gen Redesign.

I went back to Aquatic Kingdom and spoke with the Owner of RLSS.
He gave me a complete design overview and details on setup and running.

I'm confident enough to keep it.

Looking forward to my first Skimmer replacement in over a decade. Waited Two Decades for a Real High End Class Skimmer.

Going to setup it up soon and provide my detailed review.

May even bring back my old 55 Gal Glass sump and redesign it for the DB8i and the DC Waveline 10000 Return pump.

With new Pheonix Bulbs, and a proper skimmer, there are no more excuses for this tank to start doing well. (except to keep my hands and additives out) :)

I'm pretty excited at this point.

Stay tuned....
A YouTube DEMO of the DIY ARDUINO Gyre Pump Controller MOD. (Working Version)


This a Demo of the working DIY Aurdino Controller for the Maxspect Controller, to control the Maxspect Gyre Pump

Able to take advantage of all the Awesome modes of this Great Pump without using up any 0-10 Volt ports on the Apex Controller.

Ability to (pre-program Maxpect Controller Modes) then pick any mode, any durations, and schedule each mixed up 24/7.

You tube video, ...A lot easier than explaining in a post.

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Yes, I now know how to pronounce Gyre properly :) ... I'll never hear the end of this :(

(I still can't get it in my head to pronounce it "jire" rhyming with "hire")
NEXT (BIG) Project (Reviving my old 55 Gal Glass Sump) for new Skimmer.

So the Gyre Controller is finished, need something to do :)

So for those who have followed this tank thread, I originally replaced my 55 Gal Glass Sump with a Rubbermaid tub.
The reason for that was all the noise my Mag18 Pump and EuroReef Skimmer were making. The plan was temporarily but since things got so quiet with SoftRubber I kept things as is.

I also swapped out the two tank Sumps locations since I didn't have enough height (Flow) on my basement tank, but the sump location wasn't ideal.

So I'm going to put things back properly and redo a really ideal custom sump for my new Skimmer. The sump will be perfectly designed for my needs.

Things should also be quieter since I changed out my Mag Pump with the DC Waveline, and the NEW DB8i Skimmer is also DC waveline.

This photo summarizes the high level plan. (NOTE: The Kitchen Tank is directly above this sump room, and the Basement SPS Tank is in this room0


The sump swap and re-plubing will take a couple of hours. That wooden stand is the original stand for the Glass sump, and all I need to do is cut down the legs to lower the sump.

But first I need to rebuild my glass sump which is the Aquarium I used for the Hunger Wars experiement. It has holes for tap water changes, and even a hole for and external Return pump hook up. So I all need to design is the baffles, and internals like Sock holder etc. I have all the acrylic I need, just need to design, cut and silicone things in.

I actually miss my old Glass sump since I could see inside, thru sides. Rubbermaid is ok, but no baffles inside for flow control, etc.

I'll be posting idea's for the new sump soon.
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Old Glass Sump Rebuild - Phase 0

Old Sump cleaned up and ready for re-build.

That's the water change valve I restored. I always liked doing water changes that way, rather then pump. Very quick and clean, straight into buckets.

The external return hole is plugged and not necessary. Much safer to have pump inside sump. DC Waveline return pump runs cool so no heat issues.


I'm going to keep things simple, since I've learned over years room is important, and easy cleaning is best when simple.

I'll be doing all my Filter Socks and stuff as clip on and removable.

Main goal will be to have one high baffle so that I can maximize extra water volume.

MAYBE a 2nd baffle, but I've learned it's not necessary and restrictive.
Better to just place removable isolation containers into sump.

And I got a really cool idea that I'm thinking about.
I may build my Algae scrubber into the sump. It will be the return catch basin (with plenty of nutrients and bubble).
It will go on the right side and the LED panel will be on outside of glass.
It will process the return water from the sump.
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Sump with Built IN ATS - Concept


Here is the concept. Pretty Simple.

Solves one problem I was thinking about my ATS LED Electrical Protection.

- The LED Panel will be outside. Shining into thru sump glass wall
- SECTION (1) is Filter Sock with a camber to load up with Live Rock.
- Which Flows into SECTION (2) ATS Chamber.
- ATS Removable Black Acrylic Box for cleaning.
- Algae Screen will hang inside.
- Nice clean water goes back into Stage 2 of the SUmp the Water Chamber
- Stage 3 will be the skimmer and return pump.

This is just thinking out loud. Got to place equipment in there to size things.
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SOUND PROOFING the Hard Glass Sump

So my biggest concern about the Old Glass sump is humming.

It used to drive me crazy, since my office desk is on the opposite side of the wall and sound would amplify somehow.
The whole reason I fell in love with the Rubbermaid (IT made humming go away).

So I was daydreaming about the sump while with kids at dollar store, and these were there.


Yes!! Pool Noodles!! ($1 each)

I'll cut some strips and place under the Sump.
They will absorb the vibrations perfectly.
They are water resistant, firm but cushiony, and won't break down like other foam material.
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Sump Prototype (1.0) With Equipment for rough sizing.

The Big Mistake I did 15 years ago, is I built the Sump and many things came afterwards. Biggert Heater didn't fit, etc...

So here is a rough prototype on how things will fit.


Not sure if I need Both Stage 4/5 Baffle, and I may make stage 3 Larger for more water volume even if I go with 5 stages (which means a very Narrow but serviceable Stage 4).

I'll be researching commercial sumps to copy the best designs. Pass on any if you know of any.

(One Note: I already has this planned before. The Algae Scrubber with be a Hybrid ATS which means WaterFall/Upflow in one ). It will also be tall rather than wide.)

I welcome any feedback, tips, ideas, since I want to get this next Sump right.
No harm even saying something crazy, that sometimes triggers my creativity.
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Alage Scrubber LED LIGHT Panel (Parts)

So it's kind of good timing since the LED's that I ordered from China came last week. Took 6 weeks to arrive.

Still waiting for the Dimmable Power Supply and Heatsink.


So the ATS going into my sump for electronics will cost around $50 US.
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Free Glass for Sump Baffles (Tore Apart Garbage Terrarium)

My budget is limited after breaking the bank on the Skimmer.

So I cut up that Terrarium I picked out of the neighbours gabage, which was wasting space in the basement.

Each pane fits perfectly into the glass sump. Might even keep the Trim on each Top.


Just need to learn how to cut glass to shorten each pane.
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Sump Draft Design V2 (Frag / Refuge Option). Total Sump Water Volume

So here is Version 2 of the Sump Design. (Going for Max Water Volume and Frag Area)

- Roughly calculating the Sump Water Volume (34 Gallon is good)
- Considering a Refuge option Area (removable baffles using groves)
- I know from reading and personal Experience the Last Stage must be able to handle a Drain from Tank when Return pump is shut off.


This is all still thinking my idea's out loud.
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Go Emerald Crab! GO!!

Been too busy to notice that my Hair Algae is disappearing.

I have notice the Emerald picking at Algae over last few weeks.

Today I noticed that a bad algae area is clean and there he was.

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Double - TANK Photo Update (SPS Tank is Cursed Somehow)

So here is an update Photo Today of both my tanks.

I added a school of 6 Blue Green Chromis Fish (See in cave) to my Mix Kitchen Tank. Having a school is amazing. I even see them doing their pecking thing, and they swimming in synchronized school.

It's weird. I'm feeding this tank Coral Foods, I added 8 fish, (feed like crazy) and it just keeps getting better & better. (Super low return flow too!!)

KITCHEN LPS/Mix TANK (90 Gal) [6 new Chromis]

My SPS tank can't seem to get stable, even though I'm not doing anything artificial at all anymore. (Might just need more time with new Bulbs).

However I had to do a mini-GHA Algae cleanup again on my SPS tank before it got out of control. Mostly on pumps and any sharp surfaces.

During cleanup I added all the Frags from the shelf at the back.

BASMENT OFFICE SPS TANK (65 Gal) [All frags added] (Low Light LED vs MH Only, no filler Light)


It could be 65Gal Tank Water Volume vs 90 Gal, that's why I'm hoping Extra Volume sump will do the trick. Plus the new skimmer which is still in box (will go into the new sump when ready).

OR could the SECRET be the Algae Blenny I added to the kitchen tank. (I feel tempted to get one for the SPS tank NOW).

BTW. The Cyano is no longer visible after 7 Day Treatment with CyanoClean. Will treat another week to be safe.
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