RGB 5050 Led Strip (It must have been the Algae Causing Culprit!!) Algae Bloom Algae Machine.
I am going to post a dedicated thread about this, to warn others.
I think I found the source of my Algae griefs over last year or so.
Not 100% sure, but I will test my theory.
I think the LED strip I built myself was the culprit for my Algae blooms.
Let me explain.
My original LED strip was RGB. It had 3 LEDS' (RED, GREEN and BLUE). At first I used it for Blue like an Actnic bulb, which would have been fine.
But I started liking it WHITE (by turning on all 3 LEDS). Thus running it White I was turning on RED's. The REDS are what are in my Algae Scrubber, and it really grow's algae well.
It's all makes sense now thinking back over time.
I had that RGB strip on my tank for a short while, and that tank started having Alage problems. But I wasn't thinking the reason.
I eventually make custom canopy for that other Tank, and the RGB strip move to my SPS tank. I'm not 100% sure on timing, but that may have been when my Algae problems started in that tank.
It is by luck that when I got the new MH bulbs, I got a bit suspicious about the RGB strip. Since I had some experience with the Algae Scrubber and how well the RED led did for it.
When you buy a Commercial LED light, there are reds and blue leds. But in much lower ratios. There are dedicated white to do white. And that is what I have now (A pure White LED strip, a pure Blue LED strip, NO RED LEDs)
So in a nutshell. The RGB strip turned both my Tanks into a Algae Machine.
Thus when I started feel the corals, or overfeeding the fish the IN TANK Algae Scrubber started kicking in. Does anyone agree with this possibility?
Now that strip is gone a few weeks, things are totally as should be. Sure adding the stop measure like In Sump Scrubber, and Bio wall is helping. Also switching in new MH bulbs helps too.
Incredible is this is true. I suffered for months, due to my own making.
I'll prove this by putting that Strip over a small test tank, and nitrify it. I bet Algae will grow.
(( The positive side, is Algae Wars Movie would have never happened if my tank was clean all this time ))