Higher Calcium Level for SPS Growth? (vs Health)

2nd Quarantine Built (For BlackCap Basslet):

So I got an idea how to make the Skimmer Section of the sump useful.

- Had some left over sand, but too thin for the whole section.
- Added a small Baffle to keep Sand in a corner.
- Keep skimmer in it's own area for bubbles but works the whole section.
- The Shelf I built for Bio-Media, works great for raising the heater (which no longer fits below (due to baffle).
- I can even run a small pump to circulate thru he BioShelf with some kind of media.


This should work for the next 8 weeks for both QT. (( THIS Sump has sure come in handy!! ))

- I can still work on completing Algae Scrubber Area since it's isolated.
- The Return Section stays empty.
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Quarantine #2 Ready (Basslet Pickup Tomorrow)

- I decided that the Skimmer won't be needed with a small improvise.
- Since I do weekly Water changes, I can keep both QT areas clean and stable without skimming.

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OOPS!! Left Algae Scrubber Off for a Week.

Hmmm. Went to clean my Algae Scrubber this week. I turned off the LED's while cleaning last week, and forgot to turn them on.

NO3 was 0.1 ppm for the longest while, it jumped up to 0.5 ppm.
PO4 was 0.02 ppm for the longest while, it jumped up to 0.035 ppm. Nothing to worry about, but interesting observation.

We'll see if next week Scrubber fills up more than usual, and how NO3/PO4 Measures.

BTW. Since my SPS tank is doing very well recently, I see improved growth.
This has put me into a Dosing Pump chase, since Alk/Calc is dropping, and I need to increase dosing to match consumption.
(This is promising)
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In all my years of reef keeping, I've never kept a blackcap basslet...
I may try one, Wally!
Looking forward to seeing yours.
Old EuroReef Skimmer (Kicked the bucket) *NEW* RLSS DB8i Skimmer Installed.

I was holding off on installing the new DB8i Skimmer, for the new Sump.

But last night after Power Failure the EuroReef Pump wouldn't restart. Even after major cleaning. Impeller is swollen and just vibrates back and forth.

SO NEW DB8 is in the Sump.

WOW!! Really quiet. Purrs!!

This is like 5 minutes running, and it's pulling dark matter.

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Dosing Pump Project (Converted to a Temp Top Up for QT's)

- I had the parts for a Future Dosing Pump Project, so put them to good use for a temporary Double Top Up Controller.

- This will keep Salinity Stable, and I can go away for a week without any top of worries.

- It's just a hack, but does the job.
- Programming has some smarts to not over-top up (time limits)
-----> Plus the top up bucket will have limited water supply anyway.
- There is a bypass switch to turn of top ups, when lowering water during water changes (Wish my Tunze Osomolator had this feature)

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DUAL QT TopUP Installed (Delay on BlackCap Basslet)

So I installed the AutoTop Up unit. Works nicely

Small Delay on BackCap Basset, should pickup next week.


Few new features. (1) 3 Color Status LED (2) DIY Acrylic Magnetic Sensors
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Wally, I love all your mods!
The gyre was great and the top up looks good too!
I wish I had your penchant and talent for electronics. You put it to good use!
The Leopard Wrase!! (Sleeping a lot), but eating.

So I returned the 6 Line Wrase, and only have the Leopard Wrase.

He sleeps a lot under the sand,rock I have. Comes out same time every day.
I've been feeding him Live Brine Shrimp, and Frozen Gut Loaded Shrimp.
He does appear healthy and eating. Very relaxed.

Leaving him alone. If he want to sleep a lot, that isn't as bad as running up and down the tank glass.
Time may be Right for Christmas Past Present (2014) A RoboSnail

So Family all chipped in a got me a Fish Tank Present back in Dec 2014. (A RoboSnail Glass Cleaning Robot).

I never opened it. Still sealed in box.

Never really thought I'd need it. Certain NOT useful during my Algae Bloom last year.
Was thinking of selling it, but couldn't sell a Christmas Present. Plus it's something I'd never buy for myself.

But now with Tank all Stable, I still don't need it for my Reachable sides. Don't like Large Magnet Cleaners in viewing area.

... but my right side of tank is a nightmare to clean (hard reach over Sump, Almost feel into sump once reaching deep),... so I leave it too long and glass get's ugly.

Then it came to me that the Present might be useful after all.

See below, what I mean (Tough Reach).


Anyone have any opinions about the RoboSnail Glass Cleaner?
Does The RoboSnail work? Reliable? Breaks down?
Or should I sell it and get something more useful for my tanks.

I actually just opened the Unit box (After preparing this post).
Looks big, clunky (Bigger than on the Ad WebSite). Way to big for my 65 Gal Tank. Maybe for a 100-200 Gal Tank with more glass space..
Can't see how it would clean my in-wall Tank Properly (would hit wall).
How in the world would this thing clean to the edge?
First impression.
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Best Algae Grow Lights are aprrox 7:1 RED:BLUE. White not needed.
Check out the China Grow Lights. All kinds.

You can even SUPER CHARGE Plant Growth with a "UV LED" added, but it's harmful to human eyes.

Hello Wally,

First at all I want to present you my respects like a guru reefer, maybe the results are not optimal yet, but you way to work and intensity is incredible.

your bitacora book is a great information, please follow this job!! I just read all the pages...

This comment about the UV is very important, let meask you something. T5 lamps have a mix of several lenght waves, and include some part of the UV spectrum too....that means the T5 is painful for our eyes??

Of course I don't mean to look directly at hte bulb....I mean, the light that we have in the room can be painful for us??

Sorry for my english, I'm from spain and no have correct english level
Hello Wally,

First at all I want to present you my respects like a guru reefer, maybe the results are not optimal yet, but you way to work and intensity is incredible.

your bitacora book is a great information, please follow this job!! I just read all the pages...

This comment about the UV is very important, let meask you something. T5 lamps have a mix of several lenght waves, and include some part of the UV spectrum too....that means the T5 is painful for our eyes??

Of course I don't mean to look directly at hte bulb....I mean, the light that we have in the room can be painful for us??

Sorry for my english, I'm from spain and no have correct english level
Thank you for your appreciation of my Thread details. I do this so someone can learn from my mistakes and my some good things too.

I am no expert on lighting, but even the SUN has UV, that is why we use suntan lotion to protect our skin, and sunglasses to protect our eyes.

There could be some UV in T5's, but it probably isn't too much (not too intense). MH bulbs have lots more UV that is why Fixtures have a glass plate to filter out UV (to not damage your eyes). My comment was that if you get a LED that is meant to produce PURE/INTENSE UV, it could significantly damage your eyes. These UV LEDS would be good for plants like sun, but you don't want to be looking at the light directly, or even indirectly. (More concern if you have small children who don't understand).

So like with all intense lighting (Fish tank lights, LED battery flashlight, etc) , you should be careful to make proper setup to contain light, and never directly look at any strong light.
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Leopard Wrasse (Boring All day Sand Sleeper? Or Juvenile Behavior?)

Man, I was pretty happy with the Leopard Wrasse since he is beautiful and unique. But I hope things change.....

So far Very Boring. He sleeps in the Sand like 22 hours a day.

At first I thought he was dead, but I setup the Motion Detect Web Cam, and he does come out for a few minutes daily.

Video's show him pecking around since I do feed him Live foods (Brine Shrimps, Tiger Copepods, and even got dome Reef Nutritition Artic Pods).

Even Got a really cool video showing him going under/into the sand.


I hope this is a Juvenile behavior thing since having a beautiful fish that never come out is kind of boring. I did find a good article, but need to find out more about this unique fish.
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I think he is having trouble getting over his jet lag..
Honestly, it's not a good sign and it is not normal behavior.
If he doesn't come out more to feed, soon, I don't think he'll make it.
If/once he acclimates well, he should be out and very active during your entire daylight schedule.
I think he is having trouble getting over his jet lag..
Honestly, it's not a good sign and it is not normal behavior.
If he doesn't come out more to feed, soon, I don't think he'll make it.
If/once he acclimates well, he should be out and very active during your entire daylight schedule.

You could be correct about Jet Lag, since he DOES LIKE CLOCKWORK come out same time of day (Everyday).

I did read up that Leopards need more substantial food so I have a tray of PE MYSIS frozen food (that I never used, since other fish don't really eat it). So I'm going to throw some in when he is awake.
Very good idea!

Taking it one step better. I have a un-expired bottle of "SeaChem Garlic Guard" aging in the fridge. Soaking the food in it.

BTW. Really happy I got that Bottle of Reef Nutrition Arti Pods for the Leopard. My Madarin is going nuts eating the stuff. Actually looks FATTER after 3 days.
All the fish go frenzy when feeding the stuff (but got to be careful not to over nutrient my tanks).
Some Cheer up Lighting (and Patience) Leopard Wrasse Swimming Much Better (YOU TUBE Video).

So I read some articles and the Leopards do take a bit to wake up. Minutes.

I kept watching him and decided he needed better Lighting than my Compact Florescent T5 (Boring, Sleepy Actinic :) ).

Build the Sump Frag Light since Parts came from Steve's LED. (The 14,000K Phlips LEDS, Cool Blue, Royal Blues, and Warm White). Yep that is a broken Car Inverter I took apart for a heat Sink. Not bad.


CHECK out the YOUTUBE video of him now.... :) :)


Not eating (visibly), but lot more active.

He does have a full Buffet in front of him, so his choice to live. (I did my best).
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