"In-Sump" ALGAE Scrubber (Hybrid - [Reverse WaterFall/Upflow]) Build starting
So here are All the parts for the Alage Scrubber:
My Algae Scrubber is going to be unconventional. Been thinking about this some time.
After observer the Upflow scrubber I have, and seeing how waterfalls are built.
It will work on the concept of Upflow, but it will also be designed like a Waterfall (Without either design drawbacks: Noise, Splash, Access, Plugging, Space, External Pump, etc).
The idea is:
- To create a strong flow across the screen by concentrating the water flow the Tank Return. (So quiet and no pump).
- To boost the Algae growth, I'm adding a airstone at the bottom. Not for upflow flow, but to add extra (air=Oxygen, CarbonDioxide for growth)
- There will be baffles for:
-------------> Water channeling
-------------> Flow concentration
-------------> Microbubble elimation
- The LED power module ($33) is 24W dimmable (0-10 Volt so could be apex controlled). I probably will run it 100%, and use on/off cycles.
- Plan is 7 RED, 1 Blue. or (6 RED, 2 Blue) LEDS
- And
The Grow Screen will
slide on a track to tune the scrubber (both on flow and LED Light Spread)
- It will be a dual screen (General Smooth Screen and Target Growing area Rough Screen)
- There will be some kind of Post ATS Algae Filter, to catch any loose algae from entering Sump, or Tank.
- The whole module will be removable from the Sump Chamber, for cleaning, adjustments, or re-designs.
Now with my track-record of being able to grow Algae, it SHOULD Work like a charm.