Higher Calcium Level for SPS Growth? (vs Health)

OBSERVATION: (( All Valonia Bubble Algae GONE!! )) After the Copper Contamination??

Now that the Copper Contamination is over (Source Removed), I was thinking back to when I Scrubbed the Tank & Rocks clean.

Over last year or so, I always had contained areas of Valonia Bubble Algae. Nothing major, but always spreading.

During the Copper Cleanup Teardown, there wasn't a single spec.

Did it go away for other reasons, or did the Copper kill the Valonia?
If Copper did it, then there is a good side to this incident. :) :( :)
Another Update on Copper Contamination Cleanup

So I been running the Kent Toxic Metal Sponge for a bit, along with GFO, Carbon, ChemiPure, and Algae Scrubber.

Water is so crystal clear, I can't see it anymore (Fish look like swimming in space) :)

So this Metal Sponge Stuff is suppose to change colors if it Picks up any contaminants like Copper.

Nothing so far (Looks a bit darker), but I'm sure it is polishing the water nicely.
Throwing in a bit more into a separate Media bag and Both into tank to compare on next coloration test.


I'm sure any Copper is gone. Or on it's last leaching legs.

I actually see tiny traces of SPS corals that I thought I scraped and scrubbed off, Glowing back to life on the rocks.

THIS WEEKEND the couple of New Frags I got from (GTA), sitting in QT are going into the tank.
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New Setup Water Parameters (Including NEW K-Potasium Test)

These are my Current Water Parameter Test Results:


Easy to get to these number since there is no Drain (Corals), new Dosing System will keep things stable.

N & P is really good (and there are fish eating, feeding extra these days). More fish on the way.

These my TARGETS for next while.

Hoping Copper=0.00 (My confidence is high).

May tighten up the Temperature a bit.
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78 degrees seems to work best on my system. SPS/LPS/Softies.

Yes, 78 degrees seems to be the ideal temperature for SPS growth..
There was a discussion earlier in this thread about temp, and a little warning not to increase temp without increasing matched nutrients.

Appears that increasing/keeping temp at 78 degrees, means corals will grow faster. Faster growth means need for more nutrients to sustain growth.

I can limit my temp swing only 1 degree (Even with MH lights, since my previous hot MAG return pump is now a cool DC Waveline). The heaters in (sump and tank) are both on Apex, so I have some control (I don't trust the heater thermostats, from past overheat experience).

I actually keep my LPS/Mixed tank around 76-77 degrees, since I don't really want anymore super growth. Things are getting crowded. Just want the Zoa's , Racordia's, and Acans to multiply and cover rocks (The Frogspawns, Trumpets and Leather have grown enough for me).

Also wish my Torches would take off (they are staying alive but don't change much). Torches are my favourite corals, since they look cool and animate a lot.
Tank Evaluation beginning (Test Frags and Triton Lab Water Analysis)

So I did some lighting adjustments (I think my Setup was too intense). I swapped in an Actinic T5 replacing a Blue+, and turned off my 2nd T5.

- 2x 150W MH, plus the Steve Custom LED fixture and 1 T5 should be enough.

I filled up the two sample bottles with Tank water and they are on the way to Germany for a full Triton Lab test. We'll see what is in my tank (Copper Level will be on my most interested list)

Plus the following:


And these are the two GTA frag that were sitting in QT. Just one day in my Display Tank. So far so good. Will be watching closely.


More Frags on the way if things go good.
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New SPS Tank Setup - Water Surface Circulation ( Demo Video) Maxspect XF150, Jebao CP25, SeaSwirl-DC Waveline

I was setting up a floating feeding station on the new tank setup and when I came back it broke free and was floating around like a air-hockey puck.

Was kind of cool so I took a video.

Here is the circulation setup in the tank and equipment used.


Here is the YOU TUBE VIDEO of the surface circulation.


When I feed food particles, I can see the corkscrew like variable flow pattern happening below the surface. May do a video of that too.

The spiral twist in circulation was discovered by accident as the XF-150 was slightly tilted since it didn't fit well under the Overflow Box.
Was going to swap the CP25 with the XF150 for a better fit, but since the circulation is quite unique, I left it for now.
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I'm really interested in Triton's results. Hopefully no more sign of copper.
How is the Red Dragon frag?


I think the Copper is out of the system (most of it). Trition test will tell the more accurate analysis. Can't wait!!

Thanks for the Red Dragon test frag.

I cut it into Two Pieces and both are doing well in each Tank.


I killed (burned) your original piece not in the Copper Tank, but in the clean Frag/QT tank. (nothing to do with any copper).

Here is the reason.


That Custom LED fixture is a bit strong then I thought. The LUX Meter I tried at you place isn't suitable for LED comparions to your T5 Setup. (Lesson Learned).
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- Triton Lab Water test sent for Analysis ....(Completed)
- New Sump with Algae Scrubber ..............(Completed)
- Lighting Reduction Improvements ..........(Completed)
- Circulation Improvements ......................(Completed)

And with a few tweaks to heater locations (1x Sump, 1x Tank) , and apex adjustments.

- Stable Tank Temperature .....(Completed)


Next item will be to shut down 5 GAL Copepod Farm and move farm to In-Sump Refuge Area.
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In Sump CopePod Farm move (Completed)


That is a small piece of Home Grown Algae from the Algae Scrubber (for Pod living quarters)

Still working on the logistics on how Farm will run.

At this point the Farm is Isolated (Oxygen provided by air line).

Eventually A Slow Trickle will be introduced into the Refuge/Farm section to spill over into Return Section of sump (for Pods to be added to system).

Much better than old Farm Setup, which was scoop and transfer Pods method and more maintenance in general.
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New Rock Piece for Improved Rock Scape

So I found a really nice Shaped DEAD rock at a LFS ($20). Been soaking it for a couple of days.


I split it into two pieces, one for each end of tank, since it was too tall.

This is the new Tank look. I like it al lot. More divided space for new fish coming in soon.


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Blue Green Chromis (Bye-Bye)

So before adding the two new fish in QT, I decided the Blue Green Chromis had to go.
Chromis really wasn't the Bully, since the Yellow SpotBreast Angel was way more stronger. I didn't like the constant all day bickering.

So since I have 6 Blue Green Chromis is other tank, and I like the Angel better, I removed him.

Wasn't easy to catch, and only way was to remove a few top rocks. Then I got a lucky net scoop.

So the rocks never could go back the same way, and here is the new scape (lost the high right side Peak. Oh well, more SPS fill space :) ).


All Corals a doing fine (actually better than ever before since my Acro is really showing PE..[Never Ever had that before] ).

Rocks are showing Coralline recovery, and fine healthy Algae growth.

I added CupriSorb a few days ago for the Final Copper Polishing.
However Been Reading that running these Metal Sponges for too long strip off micro/macro elements.
So as a counter Measure, I been adding AquaForest Component 1+,2+,3+ in small amounts Manually, since My Doser isn't ready.

I'm thinking now is the time for the Tomini Tang and Fairy Wrasse to go in (since new rockscape and everyone has to find new spots).

Following that mounting the test frags, and Eventually new Frags.
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Incredible what removing a disruptive fish does to a Tanks Atmosphre!!! (Peace in the Tank Finally)

I don't miss the Blue Green Chromis the least bit.

The fish are drift swimming peacefully around the tank, thru the rock scape like never before. A pleasure to watch!!

Really hoping the new comers (Fairy Wrasse and Tomini Tang) in QT get along with the Yellow Tang, and Spot Breast Angel. The Mandarin is in his own world.

I do expect the usual Territory war at the beginning, but the new rock setup caverns are still nobody's established domain.
Copepod Farm (Sump Refuge Area) Nesting Screen Trial.
So I'm hoping to beef up the Copepod Population before hooking into the DT.

I noticed the Pods crawl on the Glass Surface. Maybe in the substrate.

I had a couple of live rocks in there but needed them for the DT.

So cut some left over screen from ATS, into STRIPS, as a place for the pods.


If this works, I will simply raise a strip out of Farm and feed to DT. Kind of like a Copepod Lollypop for the Mandarin.
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PODHAVEN Product for Pod Nursery

So I was GOOGLING ideas for the Refuge Area when I found this Pod Haven Product.


These look like they are made from bath scrubbers my wife has gotten in her Beauty Gift baskets. Wonder if she has any kicking around.

I'm sure they work with all the nooks and surface area....However these might build up nutrients/wastes within. The ATS Screen Material will be much easier to clean.

ALSO (I've learned to be careful to NOT PUT IN Non-Aquarium Specific Materials into my tank. Like the Mirror that leached copper into my tank.).
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DISPLAY TANK (Appears to be SAFE). Comparison of Same Frags in QT vs DT

So the Display Tank may be Pretty Safe to consider bringing in new SPS Frags.

I checked the Triton Lab Web site (No Results Yet).

The QT tank Frags (which were in a Zero Copper Water) are doing worse than in my Display Tank.


Time to give GTAFrag a call.

BTW. I shut down QT, the two new fish are in DT. Bit of a territory situation going on. What is interesting is that the two new QT fish are hanging around together (like Buddies) as the SpotBreast Angel is acting dominant. Yellow Tang and Mandarin haven't even noticed them.
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Missing Black Cap Basslet MYSTERY SOLVED!

So the Black Cap didn't die of a disease or a Crab Attack (The first was my greatest worry).

I found him today on the Sump Room Floor when I moved a bucket.
There was a clue since I did smell something bad in the sump room, but all my searching never found anything till today.


He must have jump out when I had the Screen top off and I was cleaning out the rocks.


Lesson learned for the Future, since the new Fairy Wrasse is also known to be a tank jumper!!
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SUMP Completed (Refuge Running)

The Last Piece of the sump is now finished and running. (The Refuge)


Some key design points:

- In-Sump-Pump (split) Via T Connector to Feed GFO and Refuge (at trickle flow)
- Refuge Fills from bottom via Flex Hose, and Drain into Return Pump Area (thru a Guard box)
- Built a Hang-On Filter Basket filled with floss to Keep Snails, Crabs and Large Particles (out of Return section)
- Already have a few snails and crabs in the Refuge (notice walls are cover in all kinds of living things, since Refuge has aged for a while)

FINAL Piece will be Refuge Lighting.
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