history of lunar's reef

Hi Krzystof,

Happy new year.

What is your view on actinic tubes? I have noticed that you have not use done in your light systems. Any reason for that?


Thank you, I appreciate the advice. This roughly translates to the following ATI and KZ bulbs (don't have access to Giesemann)

Blue+ Coral+ KZ S Purple+ ABS KZ S Coral+ Blue+

and I have changed on my tank to

Blue+ KZ NG KZ S Purple+ ABS Blue+ KZ NG Blue+

The tank does have a slight purple hue to it and I don't really see a clear blue tint (even though I supplement with a single strip of blue Reefbrites).

Does that match your expectations or would you suggest I tweak one of the bulbs? I believe I got the same setup as what you are recommending.

I can't advise you well because we are using different brands. If you want to see a clear blue tint, remove a Puple plus tube.

well what can i say that hasnt already been said, truely one of the marvels of reefing your tank is, a real inspiration...

will keep following

Thanks, it's really nice of you to say that.

Hi Krzysztof, how many fish you have in your tank and from which species? I've count 17-18 from last pictures, but probably they are more? Thank you for inspiration and appreciate you patience to answer all questions (which often repeats itself :).

You counted very well :-)
My fish:
1/ Paracanthurus hepatus
2/ Amphiprion ocellaris x 2
3/ Anthias x 4
4/ Acanthurus achilles
5/ Centropyge loricula
6/ Zebrasoma flavescens
7/ Acanthurus triostegus
8/ Acanthurus hawaiiensis
9/ Chelmon rostratus
10/ Acanthurus pyroferus
11/ Ctenochaetus strigata
12/ Pomacanthus imperator
13/Acanthurus olivaceus

Thank you for your patience, I reply often after a long time. Sorry, but I spend a lot of time trying to answer everybody.

To join the last question. How are your angels behaving? And why is the emperor angel always in the juvenile stage on different videos?

I love emperor angels, but they grow up quite quickly. If my angel is large enough I find a new, bigger tank for him and buy a juvenile one. These angels are safe in a SPS tank if you don't have any soft or LPS corals. My fish are fed well so they don't nip corals. I've never seen an emperor nipping any coral.

Do u run the output of aio directly to the skimmer intake ??

Not directly, but very close to intake of a skimmer pump, through a filtersock.

Hey Lunar, I've followed this thread and your YouTube videos. The nicest tank I've seen and I look at a lot of them. Thanks for sharing it and what you've found that makes it successful.

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.
I think that a regular maintenance, intuition, some experience and ... maybe a bit of good luck.

Hi lunar. I have a 150 gallon reef tank .How much? Do you think do I have use with All in one bio pellets

It depends what your goal is. If you want to decrease PO4 or keep it at low levels, AIO are the best way to achieve that. How much? Think that you need about 1 liter of AIO in the beginning but tests will tell you better. I don't know your PO4 level, if it's high don't put all AIO at the same time. A fast decrease of PO4 does more harm than good.

Hi Krzysztof, I am yet another longtime admirer of your reef. In fact because of you I switched to T5 for awhile, but sadly I used a Sfiligoi fixture and the ballasts went bad after only one year so I returned to metal halide + T5 now. Anyways, I had some questions . . .

1) Have you ever had Red Bugs or AEFW? If yes how did you treat your system?
2) Do you have a large population of copepods and amphipods?
3) What kit or meter do you use to test for phosphate?

Thank you for your excellent thread here on Reef Central and thank you for being so nice to answer so many questions!

Joe :D

Joe, thank you. I'm glad that you found my tank worth of your attention.

Fortunately, I've never had these pests in my tank but I found some of them on corals while dipping them in Coral Rx. In such a case I removed a base of the infected coral together with a rock and bathed it in a solution at higher concentration of Coral Rx. Yes, it's a risky operation and the weaken coral sometimes died, but thanks to that my tank has been free of AEFW or RB so far.
I haven't counted copepods and amphipods :-; , but the population is quite large although my Chelmon rostratus works hard to decrease it.
I use Hanna HI 96713 low range photometer.

I don't know Aqualine Buschke lamps but if you have an access to Ati and Giesemann bulbs I'd use:
ATI blue+, Coral +, Giesemann Actinic +, Giesemann Aquapink, ATI Aquablue sp., Giesemann Actinic+ ATI Coral+, ATI blue+

Ultra Royal blue is an unique bulb, I've never seen any bulb that is similar to it. This is my favourite one that gives me this extra blue tint.

Following photos were taken with iphone 6, they are not realistic, too blue.


I have a ATI 36" 8 t5/led hybred. I bought this exact t5 color combo. Does Krzysztof mention hid light schedule somewhere in this thread? I cant find it. Thanks everyone and Great tank Krzysztof. You inspire me :).
Hi Krzysztof. I got a line on Pac Sun T5 tubes here in America. I have a 36 inch ATI 8 T5?LED powerMod. Pac Sun tubes would you use in this system? Thanks :)
Gregory's three-year system:

dimensions: 168x80x55

ATI powermodule dimm with Pacific sun T5 tubes mostly: 2 x pigment int, 2 x spectra plus, 1 x shallow water, 3 x crystal blue and 2 x Fauna Marin Ultra Royal blue
skimmer: Red skim 250
Live rocks, bb, Fauna marin activated carbon, all in one biopellets in a recirculating reactor
saltmix: Fauna Marin Professional sea salt
simple balling, not full (Fauna Marin calcium mix, carbonat mix, magnesium mix)
additives: Fauna Marin color elements, Salifert Coralline aminoacids, bacteria Biogro 123

I'll ask Mirek for a photo.


Sorry to bug :) how would this combo stack up to yours? I kind of with I had ordered the 10 tube model.

4x crystal blue, 1 x crystal UV, 1x pigment intense and 1x shallow water
hi krzysztof, lovely tank. just a quick question for you. how often do you have to top up your reactor with the pellets??? hence how long would you say a bag of pellets would last you????

thanks lucifa
Really enjoyed your video, the colors are super rich. The yellow acro is just incredible, can you give specifics about it as to type and lineage?, i.e. wild, maricultured or captive?
HI! lunar, how long have your P.evansi going? and can you share some experiences with this anthias? thanks very much
Hi Lunar. I received my PacSun bulbs and are planning to swap out my ati bulbs. What do you think about this combo? The bad thing about the ATI power modual. The out two bulbs on each side are on the same channel and the inner two bubs, with the leds in between, are on the same channel. Do you think this will be two blue? What would you run?

Thanks for the help.

Crystal UV (super actinic/true violet),
Crystal Blue (actinic with increased UV emission),
Spectra Plus 19500K (Crystal Blue + Shallow Water mix),
Pigment INT+ (Shallow Water with pink/violet peak),
Crystal Blue (actinic with increased UV emission)
Shallow Water (18000K crisp white with high CRI),
Crystal Blue (actinic with increased UV emission),
Crystal UV (super actinic/true violet),
Did you find the Copperband a challenge to thrive in your reef? How did you get it to feed? How long have you had it? Beautiful reef! The best I have ever seen!
Hey Lunar, Have you been having any issues with the GFO from the AIO Biopellets fouling the impeller and pump on your reactor? After reading quite a bit about them it seems a lot of people are having that issue with recirculating reactors and the AIO pellets. The gfo sticks to the magnet in the pump and pump output slowly decreases. Thanks.