Hitchhiker ID Help


New member
This just recently showed up in my tank (about 1 year old or so). I have no idea what it is. It is definitely not a rock anemone, but I am lost as to what it is. Any help is much appreciated!

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://s1369.photobucket.com/user/zeminabr/embed/slideshow/"></iframe>
This just recently showed up in my tank (about 1 year old or so). I have no idea what it is. It is definitely not a rock anemone, but I am lost as to what it is. Any help is much appreciated!

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://s1369.photobucket.com/user/zeminabr/embed/slideshow/"></iframe>

And apparently I just submitted my entire photobucket album. Gotta work on that! Just the first three photos are the ones that I am referring to. No help need identifying the purple firefish!
Looks like a species of Psuedocorynactis (maybe caibbeorum). It is also sometimes called a ball anemone although it is more closely related to mushrooms.
Shouldn't be an issue unless you have one of the species that get bigger than dime. They do have a sting but usually not an issue due to their small size.
Looks like a species of Psuedocorynactis (maybe caibbeorum). It is also sometimes called a ball anemone although it is more closely related to mushrooms.
Shouldn't be an issue unless you have one of the species that get bigger than dime. They do have a sting but usually not an issue due to their small size.

Looks to be it. Thanks for the ID.