Holly ricordea tank Batman!!!!!

The tank is cool in its own right, but it doesn't look natural at all. If that was the guys goal, then he has done a great job, but if he is trying to reproduce an ocean scene, then he has failed. I know I'm going to catch serious flack for saying that, but I guess it just depends on your goal.
No worries man, I laughing my head off right now. The tank is sweet. Who can argue with all those ricordia. I just look to say controversial stuff and watch people go ape!!!!! I can't stop laughing!!!!!!!!
i love the tank. but im WAY too ocd to let it grow like that. it looks ... disorganized... but thena gain im a big fa of the rocks of rics waterfalling. and lots of colonies of zoas to balance it out.
man ur tank is off the hook. what do u do to get the rics to grow like that. i have a few but they never grow they just stay alive and never split.
thats impressive a little jumbled for my taste though. I wanna see some pics one everything has really matted out, itll look unreal. thanks for sharing
the tank and overall setup actually looks quite shabby. im not sayin those arent nice rics but if all he has is those and some dim colered zoes , well it just doesnt float my boat not to mention his almost non-existent lighting in the pics.