Home Reef Videos..?

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Amy, that was nice. I thought it was going to be a Billy Joel song for some reason. Maybe he did a version of that one perhaps. How many seahorses do you have?
Thanks Marc.. I just pictured the scene as a pretty flower bouquet for some reason, thus the subject title.

5 seahorses; male/female pair almost a year, 3 new females added about 3 months ago. They have gotten huge in that short time. It is very very funny as they vie (sp?) for mating privileges with poppa all the time. Have you gotten Casper a buddy yet?
If you guys want to see a crazy video involving Xmas lights, send me your email address. I don't want to post the link in this thread since it has nothing to do with reefing, and putting it up in the Open Forum might end up using all of their allowable bandwidth since RC has so many members.

Once I get your email addy, I'll just forward the email with the URLs to you. I won't save them or use them for anything else if you think this is some kind of ploy. Amy and Bob, I think you'll like these.
melev said:
If you guys want to see a crazy video involving Xmas lights, send me your email address. I don't want to post the link in this thread since it has nothing to do with reefing, and putting it up in the Open Forum might end up using all of their allowable bandwidth since RC has so many members.

Once I get your email addy, I'll just forward the email with the URLs to you. I won't save them or use them for anything else if you think this is some kind of ploy. Amy and Bob, I think you'll like these.

I PM'd you.......

melev said:
I don't want to post the link in this thread since it has nothing to do with reefing,

Cracking up...I was 'naughty' sneaking something in!! I don't know if anyone other than Tigahboy caught the flick though. I coldn't resist though..

And you, a ploy with all us good people and your upstanding reputation?? :confused:

Looking forward to seeing what you've got.

I got a new carnation coral tonight! Gorgeous orange..it will go in my 65gal pony tank. I can feed it like I do the chili coral and others more easily, and easy to do the water changes frequently on that one. So...of course you all will see it soon.
skippy2 said:
Are you talking about the TSO video? If so, I would have to shoot him if he was my neighbor. :)

Hey Hey Hey....I thought they were great ... That took alot of talent to pull that off.... I'm sure they've got alot of folks coming over just to watch.....


horrible video and color but you get the idea.

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/EXs-StYDbgY"></param>******* src="http://www.youtube.com/v/EXs-StYDbgY" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
If you'll scroll up to your post, it should look like a HTML coded mess. ;) I just supplied the link to the working video.
Drock, not horrible..it gives a nice view of the tank and inhabitants. I like the scaping on it. Is this one a new setup?
hmmm Melev.... i see the video right there in my post. Does anybody else see the video with a big play button right in the middle? I hope so... either way thanks for the link.

Avansickle, i just upgraded to a 75g from a 55g and love it. The depth is what makes it better. I am getting some halides over xmas break and will be hooking those up. Im ready to be done with college so i can have some extra money to spend on this baby. Im tired of nickle and diming it. :)

The video camera really picks up a blue color of the lights. In person they are not nearly that blue and youtube makes the quality pretty bad..but you get the idea. I was just playing around with it tonight and i will see if i can get some better quality stuff next weeek.
This is what we see:

drock59 said:
hmmmmm....ill have to look into that. Works for me though. :)

I didn't have any problems watching it... Marcs link worked fine for me ... Look forward to some more productions from ya....

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