Home Reef Videos..?

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GlassShark said:
oops I bet you meant where in my house.....see all my pics. under GlassShark. Its in the middle of my house 360 view

Very nice setup.... I wish I had the room in my home for something like that... MAN!!

Re: 14' reef Percula Clown in his Torch Coral

Re: 14' reef Percula Clown in his Torch Coral

GlassShark said:

Wow!!!! The size perspective on the torch was so deceptive until little fishy made his appearance. :) That is great fun to watch I'm sure. Not done looking at your others yet..I'll have to go check out your thread. PLEASE do more vids for us...it's wonderful to see so many different tanks.
Since getting back into the hobby last year, I have spent ALLOT of time reading and catching up on the changes that have occurred. My rock has only been in the water 3 months and just a few things have been added, some by choice others not.

***Some people may need to "right click" and "save as"

First video compilation, i still have some cyno, dino and other trash but things are coming along nicely. Some of these images are really early in the startup phase.

Second, done over the weekend, things are cleaning up great! Most of this was filmed over the long weekend.

The Sea Hare was a hitchhiker from the Fiji LR, half the rock is Fiji (92lbs on 8/23/05) the other half is Tonga (88lbs on 8/30/05). Anybody got any info on this hare? He has grown to about 3 times the size he was when i found him. Unfortunaly most of my "cleaning station" footage is trash, what you see, is all that i have that is worth looking at.
KAiNE said:
Since getting back into the hobby last year, I have spent ALLOT of time reading and catching up on the changes that have occurred. My rock has only been in the water 3 months and just a few things have been added, some by choice others not.

***Some people may need to "right click" and "save as"

First video compilation, i still have some cyno, dino and other trash but things are coming along nicely. Some of these images are really early in the startup phase.

Second, done over the weekend, things are cleaning up great! Most of this was filmed over the long weekend.

The Sea Hare was a hitchhiker from the Fiji LR, half the rock is Fiji (92lbs on 8/23/05) the other half is Tonga (88lbs on 8/30/05). Anybody got any info on this hare? He has grown to about 3 times the size he was when i found him. Unfortunaly most of my "cleaning station" footage is trash, what you see, is all that i have that is worth looking at.

Everything looks great..One warning..that little cutey white crab may be of interest now, but, it will grow big/bad and decimate your rock/pods and corraline algae on them. I went through murder for months trying to get mine out. He's HUGE and in a naughty hitch-hiker tank now.
Yea i know.... I am on a nightly hunt for those. Unfortunaly i have about 6 (known) left. I have pulled 2 "red eyed" and 3 of the white ones. It seems that they alert each other because i only get one attempt an evening and if i miss, they all hide. I have tried traps but got nothing.

Other than "spiking" or "giging" them do you have any eradication ideas? I cant pull rock out (how i caught the others) because they have made there home in rocks that are pretty unmovable at this point.

KAiNE said:
Since getting back into the hobby last year, I have spent ALLOT of time reading and catching up on the changes that have occurred. My rock has only been in the water 3 months and just a few things have been added, some by choice others not.

***Some people may need to "right click" and "save as"

First video compilation, i still have some cyno, dino and other trash but things are coming along nicely. Some of these images are really early in the startup phase.

Second, done over the weekend, things are cleaning up great! Most of this was filmed over the long weekend.

The Sea Hare was a hitchhiker from the Fiji LR, half the rock is Fiji (92lbs on 8/23/05) the other half is Tonga (88lbs on 8/30/05). Anybody got any info on this hare? He has grown to about 3 times the size he was when i found him. Unfortunaly most of my "cleaning station" footage is trash, what you see, is all that i have that is worth looking at.

You "are" kidding right?? I mean if you are disappointed in the way your tank looks now:confused: I can't wait to see how it looks when YOU think it looks good.... I can't believe it's only been setup three months ( or at least the rock's been in three months ) looks like it's been setup for a while....

I have to agree with Amy on the crab thingy.... Looks like one uh dem go-rilla crabs and I've heard they are nasty.... Good luck getting rid of it...

But in all seriousness, your tank looks awsome... Your blood shrimp has his own cleaning station setup and I love the selection of fish...

Keep up what your doing...


I am in no way unhappy...LoL. I am unhappy with my poor video taking skills and focus issues associated with glass.

I got out of the hobby in '99 (divorce will do that) and told myself i would not do this again unless i totally had things planned out and PURCHASED before adding the first animal. Too many years of needing this and needing that and putting out fires (of course that was in my "younger" years)

Yes, i deviated form that alittle but not much.

Unfortunately due to the season I have been cut off from getting anything until January!!

Kaine, very nice videos. I really like how in the first video you had a few action sequences occur back to back, each showing cause and effect. Thanks for sharing. You have three tangs, but I only recognize the the Powder Blue and the Naso. What is the third one called again?
My torch has been fragged over 20 times, each time clipping 8-10 double and tripple headed pieces. Also the 3 other heads in the tank that you haven't seen, were fragged from it and now are as big or even bigger than the one you've seen. To tell the truth I have NO idea which one is the original colony. The original colony was taken out of a Dentist office 7 years ago. The dentist had it for 5 years. This thing is somewhere around 13 years old in captivity. It's a Great Piece !!!!
melev said:
Kaine, very nice videos. I really like how in the first video you had a few action sequences occur back to back, each showing cause and effect. Thanks for sharing. You have three tangs, but I only recognize the the Powder Blue and the Naso. What is the third one called again?

Marc.... All I saw was the Powder Blue and the Scopas Tangs... Where did you see the Naso?? The only other fish I think he's got was the Blenny... a black sailfin ( I think )....

Thanks all!

Marc, first let me say that I have poured over your site to catch up on todays methods - Thank you.

I only have 2 a PBT and a Scopas (Zebrasoma scopas). The baby Naso is actually my brothers, I held him for a week (came in on my order).

My torch was a "saver" it had 2 large polyps in recession when I got it and 2 others that were questionable. I fragged the 2 and 2 other "stumps" and it really came to life. The other 2 I was concerned about have really turned around over the last few weeks. It has a total of 5 at this point.

Yea, the pictures i have seen of them arent what they really look like to me. I got him from a LFS, they had a few.

Believe it or not my camera does a better job at color rendering than you see. It captures in .mov, they only way i have found to do anything with it and not loose to much quality is to decompress the video completely. A 3 minute video is now 5gig. Then recompress with say.. DivX. If i dont do it that way i loose allot of quality. Point here being is that the Scopas is really colored that way and it isnt the camera screwing with the color.....lol
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