Home Reef Videos..?

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I guess I have another purchase to make then. I did look at Performance while it was compiling the video and my ram wasn't maxed out or anything and it wasn't swapping to hard disk according to performance through the task manager. I don't know what it was doing while compiling, but it did take somewhere around 45 minutes.
I am entering new territory now with all this stuff and never really needed above 512mb of ram with all that I have done in the past. I guess it is time for me to step up to the plate and make a jump to the next level of computing with this video editing.
XP loves to use RAM, and 512meg is barely enough to do anything. I've got a gig in my computer, and sometimes I wish I had more. But I'm cheap. ;) Making a video doesn't take nearly that long. Even a 56 meg video took only 2 or 3 minutes, tops.

Rendering takes forever. I downloaded some shows from my Dish Network PVR, and edited out the commercials on my harddrive before burning it to DVD. Rendering a one hour disk took something like 5 hours to process, then maybe 8 minutes to burn to disk. And I turned off every single program I possibly could to give all the RAM to my computer. I talked with some other guys in our club about this because I was shocked, and they confirmed my frustration. Turns out that is normal. If I had more ram and a faster processor, I could save some time.

They've also convinced me to look for a dual-layer DVD burner, because a movie doesn't fit on one disk unless you sacrifice quality. And what good is that? I want the best quality I can save to, so either I split the show over two disks, or I have to upgrade again.
IME with any programs it comes down to learning how to use the one u like
i wanted more so i got premiere pro & im still reading the help file but i just cant believe what u can do with this program.
i cant wait to get my DV camera.
rjwilson37 said:
I am entering new territory now with all this stuff and never really needed above 512mb of ram with all that I have done in the past. I guess it is time for me to step up to the plate and make a jump to the next level of computing with this video editing.

You said a mouthful there...... I'm still in the stone age compared to these other folks here ( 1.7gig processor with 512meg of ram ) "sheesh"... So much of my "free money" is going into tank upgrades and maintenance stuff that I've really let the "puter upgrades" go on the back burner.... My wife only let's me use 50% of my net overtime money to go to "toy's" ( LOL ) plus any money that I get from selling parts of my gun collection.... ( sigh )...ow well....:lol:

MY computer just told me I don't have enough memory left anymore. I wish 1 of you guys could come over here to help me. I am completely at a loss. I was told if I could read and I could click, I would have no problems at all. I'm stumped!!! Running xp with probably too many pics and your' guys movies. :)
Peggy, you need to reboot your computer, delete cached files and defragment your hardddrive.

And you said 'memory' but maybe you meant harddrive space? If that is the case, you'll have to decide what to save and what to delete.
steve68 said:
Nice glassShark

Yes... very nice videos... No audio but that's an awesome looking tank(s)... I also like how you just "snuck" them in on us :lol:

Where's that tank located??

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