Horace's 1 YR Old 75g Reef Tank

Tank looks good Kurt! There must be something to this Zeo thing. What skimmer do you run if you dont mind me asking?
Its a monticolusa. Its a wild colony that I bought from our LFS.
It is a wounderful coral to have in your collection. I must say I have been looking for one for a wile with no luck.........good luck with yours and they love lots of water motion.
It is just too blue to see the true color. Can you set proper WB and then take pictures again?

Sorry man, my camera is from 2000 and it does not have the ability to customize the WB. That is about as close to real color I can show.

What skimmer do you run if you dont mind me asking?

From day 1 I have used a DIY PVC skimmer with a GenX 2400 recirculating needle wheel design similar to the Deltecs. I am about 90% finished with my new H&S clone that will destroy the current one :). This skimmer will have the aquabee-1 pump on it :)