House Reef 1150L from Poland

A large tank full of mature SPS colonies and harems of colourful anthias, can't get much better than that IMO, stunning :)
many thanks.. can't wait to get the hybrid.. seeing good results from guys like you.. but then, your water quality is superb.. stunning
Stunning, I really enjoyed the pictures! Your light schedule tosses any ideas I had about improving colors with a shorter cycle. :)
Wonderful tank. Another tank running aquaforest products that just looks stunning. Love all the anthias. Anthias and wrasse are my favorite reef fish, they make up the majority of fish in my tank, I can never get pictures of them like you can of yours. Great photography and reef skills.
Very nice, Powodzenia. My grandparents emigrated to New York from Poland around 1905. I only know a few words.
I make some pictures in Christmas time :)
Since I use -Np Pro with ProBioS PO4 is no more 0,02 and NO3 0,2. My Corals also like that I have second fixture ... I observe better coloration in my sps corals

That was intense :facepalm: The Christmas tree worm porites from your November pictures is the bomb :bigeyes:
Stunning shots.
I have recently started a few of the aquaforest product and wondered if you could just go over what your weekly dosing schedule is? Are you still keeping 0.2 and 0.02 no3 and po4 respectively?
Once again, beautiful corals and pictures.
@M007 Thank You

MichaelW Thx ;)
This is my schedule ... For almost 3 (5) years the same. PO4 is around 0,01-0,02, NO3 0,1- 0,2...
Water change every 7days 10% (110l) Probiotic Reef Salt and BioS 10drops,
Zeomix 400g , Carbon 300g , Phosphate Minus 400g in one fl. reactor. Changing every 3-4weeks,
Component 1,2,3 + 750ml by day,
Every day:
-NpPro 10drops,
ProBioS 10drops,
Evening :
Coral V , B , E , A 10 drops,
Every few days Iodium and Fluoride 5 drops

Thank you for that information. Your results certainly speak for themselves. I hope to see similar in my tank. I think my dosing is on par with yours (just lesser volume) but I do not use zeomix, carbon, phosphate minus. However I only use coral a and v every other day as instructed in manual. Would I benefit from daily as you are? My no3 is 0.2 and po4 0.02. I am now dosing 6 drops of the products and my tank is 200Gallons (750 ish litres)