How can i fix this? glass cracked problem!


New member
had someone come over and drill my sump and it wasnt good... how can i fix this with out getting a new tank? hate to throw a 30 gallon tank away..

there are three cracks coming from the hole.. one is only like an inch but as we all know will spread to the edges..


Oh buddy ... I think it's junk now. Even if the crack was itty bitty it will eventually split. I think it's trash and needs a new pane of glass to save it.
Sorry to say that it is useless now. Get a new one and you will save a lot of headache and problem in the long run. IMO.

If you live in Southern Calif, I could give you a 30 gal tank for replacement.
I think whoever came over and drilled your hole owes you a new tank. I think you could have done a better job yourself with a $10 Hong Kong Holesaw.

well i guess it goes to the dump then... the guy that drilled it used one of those hong kong bits but i think the bit was dull and he was going to fast... what is nice is that i have a friend (thanks ereefic) that set me up with a 30 gallon at a good price and also drilled it for me (hong kong bit also) with no problems!

the funny thing is the guy made a deal for my black cucumber(new tank has faux sandbed) instead of chargeing for cracking my tank.... oh well win some you lose some!

sohal thanks for the offer!! i wish i lived in So cal.. we are getting 5 inches of snow dumped on us right now!!