MS-222 (finquel). Available through aquatic eco systems and DFS.
An over dose of MS-222 is the approved method for use in research labs that need to adhere to strict animal welfare protocols.
MS-222 (finquel). Available through aquatic eco systems and DFS.
I've used boiling water rather than cold water. It looked like it was almost instantaneous.
how can somthing you watch and take care of in your tank and if it gets sick by probaly no fault of its own be just thrown away
did you add any seasoning or vegetable extract?
how can somthing you watch and take care of in your tank and if it gets sick by probaly no fault of its own be just thrown away
that is what i'm saying, if you can't care for it any longer, then you must dispose of it, but to buy extra things to kill it or to boil it and stuff seems ridiculous. boiling, freezing it, all those things hurt me more then just flushing it. at least if i flush it, it left my hands while it was still alive.
that is what i'm saying, if you can't care for it any longer, then you must dispose of it, but to buy extra things to kill it or to boil it and stuff seems ridiculous. boiling, freezing it, all those things hurt me more then just flushing it. at least if i flush it, it left my hands while it was still alive.