How high are your lights off the water?


One Happy Reefer
Was having a conversation with OPG about lighting height and was curious as to what height does everyone keep their lights. Please mention lighting type and height.

Mine is;

Mogul Style MH at 8" off the water in an enclosed canopy.
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I was having a discussion with JZDAD about this and mentioned it to Harry.
Does anyone know if the Lumenarc Pendants have the 36 different angel settings for spread as they say they do because of there design. I ask because I heard that with these Pendants you can raise the lights 12-16 inches from the water causing less evap and causing the chiller to go on less frequently and without losing par value from the height increase. Lazylivin...have you noticed any difference in growth. Anyone else...

My lights are 6 inches from the water's surface, 48" 4@65W PC's with 2 @250W MH's 12LED Moonlights.
My lights are about 7" off the water. I have a current USA MH fixture.

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250W 20K Radium, Lunenarc reflector, Lumatek ballast- 10" off water(25" tall tank)
AI Sol Blue, 75%B 80%RB 60%W- 12" off water(29G biocube)
Does anyone know if the Lumenarc Pendants have the 36 different angel settings for spread as they say they do because of there design. I ask because I heard that with these Pendants you can raise the lights 12-16 inches from the water causing less evap and causing the chiller to go on less frequently and without losing par value from the height increase.

I always thought the design was to get the 3'x3' spread at 12 inches off the water. By raising the light you are going to lose some PAR, how much will depend on the bulb but the other benefit of raising the bulb is less heat added to the water reducing the chiller use and evap trying to bring the temps down. I believe Sanjay has a write up on them on RC, just not sure where.

I have LEDs and T5 lights about 5 or 6 inches off the water, halides were about 12.
Hey Joe thanks for the reply. I found a(n) 2008 article that I read last night regarding what we both mentioned about distance and losing par values.. I was incorrect with the name of the pendants. They were Lumen Bright reflectors. Good reading if anyone is interested.
Hmmm....... your keyword, were 12". So I take it your happy with the new switch to LEDS & T5's. Any noticable difference of color as they adjusted to your new lights. How long have you had them and how about growth? Recommendations?


The pop from the blue LED is crazy, have both the Evoluition (from last years group buy) and a DIY I just finished. Growth has been pretty good under them, can't say it's been any better then the T5 or MH but right about the same. Still a toss up between T5 and LED, lots to like from both, I may build a mixed light next; blue LED with T5 daylight...maybe best of both worlds.
Any pics from the DIY you made? You can STOP holding out on us... LOL!! Was it Easy.. I'm having a hard time deciding which way I may want to go as far as lighting.

1st option. DIY LED's(96) for my tank with dimmable drivers and put into a canopy I've made.
2nd option. DIY Retrofit with only (2) 250Watt MH's Mogul Base with 20K Radiums, no actinics. Inside the canopy.
3rd option. DIY Retrofit with (2) 250Watt MH's Mogul with 20K Radiums, and 2 48" 54W T5 Actinics
4th option. DIY Retrofit with 10-12 48" T5's @ 54Watt Ea.

Too many freaking choices!! This chiller is going to run my pockets dry this summer!!

So any info would help.. I know emmanuel has a nice DT running LED's and he's been running them for 2 yrs now I believe and his corals are looking great!

Whatever you decide let me know so i can follow up... thanks.
Crappy pics as my only camera is the Blackberry but for you :)

LEDs on inside the canopy, drivers sit on top right now

DIY controller

Over the new tank just to see how they looked.

I'm going to test this light vs 4 T5 vs Iwasaki 10K 175W w/T5 vs 250 ReefLux 12K to see which one I like best and what the PAR is on each...will post pics and results.
Great job!! Pics look good for a crappy camera phone you say you have LOL!! hahaha. Seems you added screws to hold the leds in place? Or a combo of both (with thermal epoxy)??
I've seen that controller somewhere here or something similar. Can't recall. Was there a post on RC about building it?

Lastly... was it a 72 bulb fixture you made?
Yes keep us all posted on the results as I believe it will help alot of people make a decision on what route to take. Especially me. Time is a contributing factor for me and of course the initial start up funding.

Stann has also made a DIY fixture here on this forum.. with pics to show the progress.

Possibly a workshop for the future for both of you if your willing.

Screws and thermal grease no epoxy, just in case I need to swap a LED.
I've posted pics of the controller before either here or MR but was based of this thread

This setup is only 36, I built it for a 40 breeder. Cost and the results of the weekend test will decide what goes over the 380....will keep you posted.
Can't exactly call this an accurate test but numbers are close enough to give everyone an idea. Tested the LED setup (came in at 130W on kill-a-watt), a 250W XM 10K, and 2 Reeflux 250W 12K (one new and one over a year). Only grabbed numbers right under the lights, no optics on the LED and halides were all off a CoralVue ballast. All numbers were highest recorded number (pumps running) and waters still a little cloudy from setup (tanks 1 month old).

Light.......@6 inches, @12, @18 and on sand ~22.

LED.........470, 390, 160 and 109
XM.........1050, 712, 365, 267
1YR 12K.....341, 295, 205, 162.
New 12K.....490, 419, 310, 203

According to Sanjays lighting guide I knew the XM had PAR numbers close to 400W and it showed in this, really surprised at how far the numbers fell off the 1 year old bulb and I guess a good reminder to not only swap your bulbs yearly but keep in mind the corals might have a little light shock.

Tomorrow I'm going to add 70* optics to the LED setup and test a 175W 15K Iwasaki, which is supposed to have really good PAR as well, and a Reeflux 12K and 10K if I can find them in the bulb pile.
What LEDS did you buy? 1W or 3W? Really odd numbers.... your 1yr old bulbs were almost as close to the LEDS.
+1 on the change outs!!
The LEDs are all CREE 3W XRE, 50/50 mix. Thought the same with the numbers as the 1W fixture I got from the group buy tested at 900, 600, 335 and 212 (same 6", 12", 18" and 24") so would have expected to come close, should be interesting with the optics added. I also forgot I have a 4 54W T5 I'm going to test, both new bulbs and ones 18 months old.

I did find this when I was looking for comparisons, it's a test melev did, numbers are close.

What degree optics your using? Glad to see comparison numbers.... will help with my decisions aswell. I see Icecap was running good numbers on Melev's post.

Good job Joe, keep posting and TY for sharing your info!!
70* optics made a big difference, changed the numbers to 820, 606, 320 and 242. Overall very similar to the 250W 10K XM lamp but at 130 watts.