How long will it take my Yuma to turn pink again?

Das awesome

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When I first got it a year ago, it was BRIGHT BRIGHT PINK, but at the time, I only had PC's so it dulled out A LOT! I just upgraded to led's a couple weeks ago and am just waiting for it to turn back to that pink again. How long does this normally take?
I got it from a lfs by me. It was the only one left and they still haven't gotten any more in as bright and hot pink as this one was.
too many variables to be sure, could take anywhere from a week or 2, to 6-12 months.

It depends on water quality, color and intensity of new light, the corals happiness with the light and flow. etc etc. its just too hard to tell and give you a rersonable answer.

If the mushroom is happy, it will color back up, so be patient and keep it happy.