How many tanks do you run?

The reef permit from my wife was for one only. Since no budget was attached it was fairly easy to accept that deal.

Plus I cannot imagine doubling or tripling my workload. One is enough...bigger maybe....

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I have 6 tanks.

My big one is my 135 gallon 6 foot 1.2 inch thick glass no brace tank built in 1982. Yea 40 year old tank almost resealed by me 2 years ago runs great. Its a fresh water tank with discus live plants black sand and other various fish.

Next is a 92g corner bowfront. Fresh water as well live plants. Jack dempsy. 3 angle fish. 2 silver dollar a raphael catfish and few other fish.

Next is my moms 30g tank weve had since i was like 8 im 32 now fyi.. I just resealed it for the first time and converted it to salt water for my mom.. she finally got tired of platy fish lol.

Next is my 27g hexagon reef tank.

then 2 2.5g betta tanks.

Im looking for a replacement for my hexagon.. Its working great for my reef but im a crazy fish person and i ran out of room for corals and i want more lol. I wish i could just move it all to my 92g bowfront.. thatd be a epic reef tank.. but my mom sorta took that tabk over with all her ugly fish in it.

I may not have the biggest tank here but i bet i have the oldest biggest tank running here lol.. I had other tanks like a 55g 44g pentagon and other sizes.. but i sold them all and bought my 135g and moved my discus into that and put all the fish from the 55 and 44 and a 10g and 5g tanm into the 92g to downsize on the number of tankst.

Kept the 27 hex and 30g though as the 27 hex is my first tank my mom bought me and the 30g is a tank we had when my dad died.. So ill never get rid of those 2 tanks.

I will say one rhing.. After going to salt with my 27g hex and now my moms 30g.. I dont think i want a reef much past 70-90 gallons.. The amount of money a water change with buying salt and the maintenance and buying fish and coral is a little insaine.. I spent probly over 1000$ on just my 27g tank as a whole it would be too much money and hassle.. My 27g is self sufficient ever since i got my nitrates to 0 and got the algae under control. I havent changed the water in 3 weeks.. but still.

Fresh water can be just as beautiful or more then salt water and its much easier to take care of.. I do want a 220-250g tank but if i do go that route itll be an epic planted fresh water tank..

Colors on salt water are nice but they are more washed out.. fresh is more vibrant like a painting if you have the right plants and substrate along with discus
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