How this Geezer thinks the hobby will evolve

Paul B

Premium Member
I have been having a few ideas lately, or over the last few decades that I would like to discuss here.
I have been going out on my boat a lot and relaxing out on the water gives me time to think (and clean off dried amphipods from the deck)
I am going to try to put this in catagories but I know I will rant all over the place because thats just how it is. :spin2:
I would like to start with substraits. No, I am not going to mention UG filters, not yet anyway but I have an idea of what I think the bottom of a tank should be made of and this comes from years of hear everyone complain about the problems of their sand, gravel, rocks, rubble and Oldsmobile rims.
I think it doesn't matter much what you put on the bottom as long as it is a thin coating. My thoughts are for a plate made from something like clay maybe 1/2" thick with numerous holes in it all the way through. This plate would be near the bottom glass but not laying right on it. Like 1/2" away.
The bottom of this should have holes all over it shaped like light bulbs with a small entrance that gets wider. These holes should be about 1/16" at the widest and much smaller at the opening, kind of like a skin pore. But not all the way through, they will be next to the holes that go through. I feel that this would be great for bacterial growth because the clay material itself is porous and with the addition of the downward facing holes or pores, detritus will not accumulate and bacterial growth will proceed nicely forever. Or almost forever.
I have thought about this for a long time and that is what I came up with.
Below that plate there should be a way to move water out of there occasionally through a tube for yearly maintenance. Of course water would have to be pumped in occasionally too. But only once or twice a year.
Above this could be some sand or gravel.
All of the rocks should be on a few pylons that suspend it just above the substrait. My reef is almost like that now. It looks great, the animals can maneuver all over the place and will feel secure under there and there will be no impact on the substrait or water movement.

Remember my ideas are for a very long lasting system, something in the tune of decades, not just 10 or 15 years. Even hermit crabs live longer than that.:)

So that is my substrait idea. I will get into other ideas later. What do you guys think? I don't want to be the only one posting here because I am old and my lifespan is about as long as an angelfish so I want to finish this before I meet any actual angels. :wavehand:
Paul you represent a important aspect of this hobby that I wish will remain forever...
Hobbies change and things trend, but you have found enjoyment in your tanks that go beyond the flashy aestetics....

I won't derail your thread or go into my own mini crusade, but I will say post like yours add a dimension to this hobby that I personally like.... I'm not dictating what is popular or what our hobby should be, just wishing that certain layers of enjoyment remain with it...
Oh I wonder if you could use broken or crushed up "Ceramics" ? sorta like that macaroni filter material stuff but only shaped like random rubble
Sounds like a reasonable idea to me. When can you come to Ohio to set this up for my system? :lolspin:
The bottom of this should have holes all over it shaped like light bulbs with a small entrance that gets wider. These holes should be about 1/16" at the widest and much smaller at the opening, kind of like a skin pore. But not all the way through, they will be next to the holes that go through.
trying to picture this...
Shaped like those things for hanging pictures or whatever , where there is a hole in the bottom for the nail/screw and then narrows so you slide it down ?
(really not describing that well, hope it makes sense)
I'm intrigued by this idea. I think I can envision it in practice, but I'm sure what you or I would picture would differ (in actual implementation)
Sounds like a decent idea to me. For aesthetics, the top could be coated in sand, crushed coral, etc... that is embedded in the ceramic in order to provide the desired look without affecting the function or adding maintenance. One possible challenge would be keeping from breaking the ceramic sheet while placing the rockwork - especially with the ceramic sheet not sitting directly on the tank bottom but rather on pylons of some sort.
When can you come to Ohio to set this up for my system?
I was at the Ohio state fair in 69, they got elephants there.

trying to picture this...
Shaped like those things for hanging pictures or whatever , where there is a hole in the bottom for the nail/screw and then narrows so you slide it down ?

The holes in the clay should have a tiny opening and get wider as it gets into the clay. Like the shape of a light bulb with the small part as the entrance. I feel the bacteria will appreciate this and the small opening would limit oxygen from entering thus providing some denitrification. The porous clay of the thing should also help. Don't forget, this is just bouncing around in my mind, I never tried it but I have been thinking about it for many years.
Yes there would be stand offs to keep it off the glass. It would be made out of the same stuff them make bricks or clay flowerpots out of.
I would like to see all the idea's that are half thrown together in your workshop

No, you don't








trying to wrap my head around this. would denitrification take place in the void area between the bottom of the tank and the clay piece. or in the lightbulb holes only.
Tony, don't wrap your head to tight yet. It is still on the verge of a theory.
In the lightbulb holes and in the pores of the clay.
Remember, only a theory in my head but I will try it some day.
I know many people tried starboard, but I think this will be an improvement on that. I actually used some starboard today but it was for my friends anchor locker on his boat.
I have some other Ideas on how the hobby will progress that I would like to post tomorrow. In the meantime, feel free to post your ideas. :strange:
About nitrate and overall tank health I think algae will take more of a roll. I also feel we are not using algae to it's ful potential or growing it correctly.
For some reason algae grows much more quickly just at the surface of the water. I know there are less predators there but I think there is more to it. In the tropics, in tide pools hair algae grows very lush just at the tide line. Sally lightfoot crabs explore this area feasting on the stuff. In my reef tank there are many rocks that are just above the water but still wet. Those areas are covered in algae. Also in my tank, just at the surface on the glass is long hair algae that is almost absent in the rest of my tank.
So it seems to me anyway, that algae prefers that area where it is exposed to air and water. There are very few algevores in my tank and no tangs.
So I have an idea, (I have an idea about everything, not always viable or workable)
I would like to make a conveyor belt from screen or some type of porous material that will remain wet. This should revolve slowly like a bulldozer tread going in and out of the water. It could also be a large wheel made from this material that revolves just fast enough to stay wet. Yes, it will be a slight nightmare to construct initially but I think a device like this will grow massive amounts of algae negating the need for DSBs, Vodka, vinnegar, etc.
Just another idea that I believe in the future we will use.
Of course I will start constructing one as soon as I get time. :lol2:
About nitrate and overall tank health I think algae will take more of a roll. I also feel we are not using algae to it's ful potential or growing it correctly.
For some reason algae grows much more quickly just at the surface of the water. I know there are less predators there but I think there is more to it. In the tropics, in tide pools hair algae grows very lush just at the tide line. Sally lightfoot crabs explore this area feasting on the stuff. In my reef tank there are many rocks that are just above the water but still wet. Those areas are covered in algae. Also in my tank, just at the surface on the glass is long hair algae that is almost absent in the rest of my tank.
So it seems to me anyway, that algae prefers that area where it is exposed to air and water. There are very few algevores in my tank and no tangs.
So I have an idea, (I have an idea about everything, not always viable or workable)
I would like to make a conveyor belt from screen or some type of porous material that will remain wet. This should revolve slowly like a bulldozer tread going in and out of the water. It could also be a large wheel made from this material that revolves just fast enough to stay wet. Yes, it will be a slight nightmare to construct initially but I think a device like this will grow massive amounts of algae negating the need for DSBs, Vodka, vinnegar, etc.
Just another idea that I believe in the future we will use.
Of course I will start constructing one as soon as I get time. :lol2:
Maybe you could start with one of those towel dispenser things... you know the ones they had in like the 80's that used real towels instead of paper, and replace the towel with screen?