How to capture/catch clownfish in a tank

Just caught my allardi yesterday. Used egg crate and blocked him off, then moved rocks from his side over the the other side and kept squeezing him to the corner. Too easy ;)

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i had to catch and relocate 3 last night, 2 came out super easy. the last one was a chore. i ended up draining the damn tank more than halfway down before i could get him
Rogue Tomato

Rogue Tomato

Sometimes I can't help but laugh at the antics of my fish...most of them have distinct personalities and yes, I confess, I name them.

I have a Tomato called Rambo who is only about 1 1/2 inches long but thinks he's a huge battering ram. He originally lived in my 97 gal community tank and had recently become very dominant and aggressive towards several of my other fish, expressing this by slamming into them at ramming speed. Now this is a relatively new tank, inhabited for only six months, and many of the fish are juveniles who will move on to my larger tanks that are running empty still maturing. Rambo, with typical tomatoey IQ limitations had become determined to target his attacks on the most potentially dangerous opponents he could find- my 4 inch clown trigger Joe Cool, the 6 inch blue chin tang Charlie, and our new 3 inch porcupine puffer Puff Daddy.

We found Puff Daddy at the bottom of the tank and our local fish guru felt he either died by ramming trauma, or starved due to being terrorized by Rambo.
A week later I found Charlie on the carpet after he somehow jumped through the gap between the lid and the protein skimmer. Right or wrong I blame his demise on Rambo, probably because I was still upset about loosing the puffer.
I watched him chase Joe, but Joe thought it was a game. He was faster than Rambo and surged past him, spun around and slid sideways into Rambo causing him to desperately brake or swerve to avoid the trigger's threat.

Afraid of his danger to the other, mostly peaceful residents of my tank, I caught Rambo (no small feat) and transferred him and his abalone shell that he sleeps in, to the 47 gal predator tank. I was a little worried, but at least his murderous spree upon the innocents would end. So Rambo joined Sharky the blue velvet damsel, the purple lobster, Elvis the snowflake eel, and Lucifer the Niger trigger in the predator tank.

Would you believe in two days he had the damsel and trigger cowering in the big cave? And I can't find Elvis...he may have left the building...ahem, I mean tank.

Anyone want a tomato?

Thank for the great info especially Maroon clown. I just got them and good thing i used clear cup to catch them.