How to DIY an AC 70 fuge

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6250167#post6250167 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TheUltimateNoob
very nice fuge. do you know what the dimensions are for an AC70? will it fit ok on the back of a 10g tank?

I'm using the AC70 modified fuge on my 10g and it works great! There was also enough room for me to set up an old power filter(don't know the brand) with a Fluval surface skimmer to run carbon.

Between the AC70 and No-name, I'm getting plenty of flow and crystal clear water.

On the average 10g glass tank, there should be enough room on the back for two AC70s to fit side-by-side.
I made a fuge out of my AC110 for my 26gal bowfront. All i did was remove the filter media and replaced it with 2 pounds live rock and a couple scoops of my live sand. I use the media basket as the screen between pump and fuge area. I have some cheato and some macro in it with a clip on light.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6247325#post6247325 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Sugar Magnolia
Yep T, plexi from either Home Depot or Lowe's and they sell the scoring tool right in the same area. No table saw needed.

If you're planning on running a poly/carbon pad, I now use the bio-bags that are made for Whisper filters. Can't find the Millenium filters locally anymore.

Luckily I can still get ahold of the Millenium filter pads locally, but you can get them online too. The whisper bio-bags are good (and cheaper!!!) too...I used those before to add some extra carbon, I just didn't use the carbon it came with, I use Marineland.

I got the millenium filter pad yesterday before I started the project. So far I have the grey grate siliconed in and I cut the u-tube and put the end extension on it and siliconed it.

I'm still thinking about that baffle....I am gathering I need to make it about 4.5 inches tall, right? Before I silicone it IN there for I want to put it as close to the left as I can so I can just squeeze in the filter pad?? Did you silicone that baffle all the way down the side and seal the bottom as well?
"I'm still thinking about that baffle" I too was baffled :lol2: , but I think in this case, the baffle goes all the way to the bottom. But hopefully SM can comment.

I saw some other mod that used half of the media basket as a baffle. Might that be an option, or do the holes in the basket cause too much flow?

And lastly, can't you just adjust the flow by throttling the u-tube to the right, rather than replacing the impeller?

Yep, the baffle goes all the way to the bottom. Throttling the U-tube to the right only reduces the flow a minimal amount. Replacing the impeller reduces the flow significantly.
Is it possable to just trim down the impellar fins or remove a few of them to reduce flow instead of buying a new impellar??
Nice job SM! I've seen a few threads on how to mod these AC's into mini-fuge's and I have been planning on converting my AC70 into one. I don't have a dremel tool to trim the baffles which is holding me back. Great idea on swapping out the impeller - I was thinking of ways to reduce flow and had concidered this possibility, I just wasn't sure if the smaller (20's, 30's) ones would work in my AC70.

Also, I was wondering - if I were to decide to run the lights on the fuge on the same photoperiod as the display, wouldn't it be ok to just light it with the lights for the system, or should the fuge be more brightly lit than the main system?

Here is a shot of my 10 gallon nano with the AC70 sitting on the side waiting to be converted.


Thanks for the info, and keep us posted with your pics!
hey i did one of these myself.




my difference is, i had 2 aquaclear baskets to canibalize. I simply used one, and broke the bottom off the other. it slid right into place perfect. ive got a huge ball of chaeto in there..all i have now is a desklamp but im looking to get something else on it

truly a great idea..the flow rate is nice and high which is what i needed since i didnt have a ton of power heads to play with
This is great! Thanks. I knew there was an alternative to spending $300.00. Very much appreciate your sharing the idea and the clear instructions so that a non diy person can learn to be a diy person. I will build this for my new 2.5 which currently has the smallest filter of this type which will increase my water volume, making it easier to maintain (once I figure out the ato) right? Maybe I'll even be able to put in a swimmer or two eventually...I've just set up my tank. Never done it before, only been reading ...up to now. Thanks again.
NO problem. ive got mine on continuous battery backup now, so worst that can happen if power fails is, no light and no skimmer, so this little beast will push a ton of water for some time

glad it could help someone else
I've built it. Except for the stupid I pulled with the cutting tool(never cut toward yourself), it was great fun and easy to do. I just used a die cutter to round the bottom edges. If you grip just the edge (2-3 mm about) and bend it kind of peals it right off. the silicon hides any irregularities and it worked fine. It is drying now. I need to get a 30 impeller as I'm sure the 70 is too fast for my nano, and I'm going to try finding the millenium. I believe I saw some at the pet store. Cool stuff!:rollface:
silicone dry time?

silicone dry time?

That silicone is pretty smelly. Is it dry enough after 2 days or should I wait longer. I can't read the small print.:(


:dance: :reading: :spin1:

Hhhmm HH Hmmm one more day aught to do the trick. It isn't so smelly today.

So, If I use the diy wave maker on my fuge and...the diy gravity fueled, air forced ato fed into the pump chamber of the ac fuge mod...if I can get the air lines figured out so that the "off" level is the required level, that should be the lowest level, right?

Do you think that interval powering will be ok for the ac fuge mod? Or will the on/off and on again be hard on the motor?, or the spinning mechanism?
why not just remove 3 blades from the 70's impeller (six, down to three) insted of buying another filter just for the smaller impeller? that would slow the flow by 50% wouldnt it? and save $$$ without destroying a perfectly good filter. just a thought.
why not remove 3 blades from existing impeller? cuts flow 50% and no additional $$ or scrap filter, just for the impeller. "kill the seal for just fur?"
impeller could be cut from the original AC 70. if you remove half the blades, half the flow. will that work without using another impeller?
I bought an extra replacement ACmini impeller (about $3) when I ordered my AC70 from Big Al's and changed it out with the original to slow the flow way down. Works like a charm and I still have the original impeller if I decide to return the AC70 to regular filter duty.

Replacement impellers can be ordered through DocF&S, Marine Depot, Big Al's, etc.