How to make RC more active

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Did anyone happen to notice that most of the responders have been on RC since the early to mid 2000's!
I joined in March 2005! 13+ Years for me!
Did anyone happen to notice that most of the responders have been on RC since the early to mid 2000's!
I joined in March 2005! 13+ Years for me!

I thought about looking at that last week........
Then got sidetracked because I’m getting old and senile. Lol

Oh, shiny....

Edit: a quick run through the thread.......showed me most of the old timers have low post counts to go along with several years of membership. Sure Ca1ore and der_willie have some posts going on

Edit: a quick run through the thread.......showed me most of the old timers have low post counts to go along with several years of membership. Sure Ca1ore and der_willie have some posts going on

Quality not Quantity!
I originally was steered to RC by an LFS owner who was trying to do internet sales and maintain a brick & mortar store. He failed, but I found a great resource. I can't imagine most LFSs steering their customers to RC. If you're selling a $25 bottle of "Miracle Nitrate Reducer", you don't want your customers to find out a $1 bottle of vinegar works just as well. Who steers new members to RC these days?
I always recommend people come here. Most of my friends and family that I have turned onto reefing just call me when they need advice unfortunately. I don't mind most of the time, but damn, go check out Reef Central, or crack a book or something.
If 10 people told ten people, that would create 100 members. Think about that. Personally, I've told many more than that. It does really add up. Think of how many that would add if each member told one person. Search engines play a roll also.
We don't "market" Reef Central out there. We are easy enough to find.
If 10 people told ten people, that would create 100 members. Think about that. Personally, I've told many more than that. It does really add up. Think of how many that would add if each member told one person. Search engines play a roll also.
We don't "market" Reef Central out there. We are easy enough to find.

That type of cocky mentality will only get someone so far. Then they become second best. Then third.......all the while. Touting how good they are and people will return when they see they light. Very slippery slope.

You can have a million members. However. I believe the point of the thread is how to make them more active. This doesn't mean RC needs to grow. It means it's members need to be more active/involved. It's no different then any company needing it's staff to be involved and active with the companies needs and business. People simply don't take ownership these days. Whatever we do and interact with is only as good as YOU make it. You being yourself. It's too easy to get gratification elsewhere now.
I don't see what's cocky about what I said. Reef Central is what it is. The best "information" reef site there is. There's other sites that have giveaways, contests and things like that. That isn't us. I can understand the "more active" part. That's up to the membership. There's a lot of people that aren't good at expressing themselves. That's fine in my opinion. Others are very outspoken. That's ok too. Oh yea, and the part of the staff being involved. If I'm on here any more than I am now, my wife will leave me.
I don't see what's cocky about what I said. Reef Central is what it is. The best "information" reef site there is. There's other sites that have giveaways, contests and things like that. That isn't us. I can understand the "more active" part. That's up to the membership. There's a lot of people that aren't good at expressing themselves. That's fine in my opinion. Others are very outspoken. That's ok too. Oh yea, and the part of the staff being involved. If I'm on here any more than I am now, my wife will leave me.

That's just it. Being or saying it is what it is. Isn't doing anything to keep up to date in an ever changin society. Resting on the laurels of what once was will get any organization, nowhere. People come and people go in this hobby based on disposable income and life responsibilities. That means to me, a newer generation of people and mindsets that have to be catered to. Period. At some point, the sponsors of this site will pull their accounts due to diminishing return on their investment and the amount of traffic it's exposed to. Everything in life is related to business.

As to you being on line more.....that wasn't my message. I apologize for not being more clear to my generalization of references. I was simply referring to a motivational side of business and that's really what is needed here. Not give away sand shiny cheap trinkets. Yet, a more meaningful approach that addresses the root cause and gets the group motivated to all come together and pull for something that is valuable and an understanding that it all starts with each and everyone of us.
I think Misled needs a time out... Didn't somebody say that it begins with those in charge? This is the Moderator with power here on RC? C'mon man... This site used to better than that. :(
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