How to make RC more active

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Its a choice they have made..
Improving the site typically costs money (depending on what improvements you are talking about.. but even time is money)..
If it doesn't generate more revenue then whats the point..
If it does well....

They have made their choice..

Sponsors are more than capable of reaching their customers through the platform as it stands..
Adding basic/newer typical forum functionality or changing the look or whatever is unlikely to provide a monetary benefit to a sponsor..

But yes.. Typically raffles,etc... are something that can certainly help generate revenue/awareness,etc... for a sponsor. So IMO this site as it stands doesn't offer the potential revenue that other sites may offer..
I would think sponsorship costs here are lower than other sites because of that..

Again.. choices...
We all have/can make them..
Don't like it here.. Fine.. Go somewhere else.. Many have.. and others have come here for what it offers.. different strokes/different folks,etc.. blah blah blah..

Just accept that RC is what it is and at this point is unlikely to be anything other than what it is today.. They have made that very clear..

All you have done is repeat what the other homies have said. There is no question that this site has lost members, maybe you don't see that, or maybe you really don't care.
All you have done is repeat what the other homies have said. There is no question that this site has lost members, maybe you don't see that, or maybe you really don't care.

I don't care..
Its not my site.. I'm just a visitor like yourself..
100% of the decisions about this site are the owners..
They have made their choices/decisions..

I'm sure the owner is aware of the sites activity/readership/member numbers..
And I'm sure that all they really care about is the revenue that this site generates..
Once its no longer profitable it will likely close down or decisions will be made to change..

At this time its very clear that they aren't concerned with it and just let it be as it is..

I post here to help users that are here.. I don't give a crap about the owner and I don't give a crap about how much revenue it makes..
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All you have done is repeat what the other homies have said. There is no question that this site has lost members, maybe you don't see that, or maybe you really don't care.

Where, in anything that was posted, has anyone stated otherwise?

/insert beating a dead horse smiley
I don't care..
Its not my site.. I'm just a visitor like yourself..
100% of the decisions about this site are the owners..
They have made their choices/decisions..

I'm sure the owner is aware of the sites activity/readership/member numbers..
And I'm sure that all they really care about is the revenue that this site generates..
Once its no longer profitable it will likely close down or decisions will be made to change..

At this time its very clear that they aren't concerned with it and just let it be as it is..

I post here to help users that are here.. I don't give a crap about the owner and I don't give a crap about how much revenue it makes..

In simplest terms, that is the way I (and many of the moderators) look at it.

What we can't change, we don't obsess over.

We try to help as much as we can with things we can control.

It isn't that we aren't sympathetic to the requests or unaware of the traffic pattern. It isn't that we want people to go elsewhere, or don't care if they do.

We do care, or we wouldn't be here. I've been here since this site was an idea among 3 fellow reefers. I was a test guinea pig for some of the forum features (and, in the beginning, RC was on the old newsgroup format).

I'm walking along with the forum for as long as it is viable (I can't ride, the horse was beat to death).

Well, I remember a time when we didn't have that emoticon. So there!


With my apologies if I've already said this earlier in this thread, but I've pretty much left reefcentral because I've seen too many instances where I thought the moderators where rude or tyrannical, or even resort to insulting/haranging the member. One specific example is that I saw threads closed because the mod didn't like the tone of the discussion. I thought the threads were still helpful and the discussion was fruitfull. I'll admit it can be a matter of opinion, but for me, my opinion was that the mod was too eager to show that they were in charge and that people who disagreed with them were shut out.

I think I've seen similar comments so I'm not the only person seeing this. The last time I brought this up a mod went after me to show me how rude I was (I didn't think I was, and certainly wasn't trying to be rude. In fact I was very careful to parse my words. IMO, the mod read my statements incorrectly). Even if the mod is right, there is some merit to the idea of "perception".

Good luck with all this. This used to be a great place. I'd love to see it that way again.

I agree with these posts. This is my 2nd account here. My first account got banned for disagreeing with a Mod over something really insignificant. I first joined in 2007 and had thousands of posts before I was called unspeakable names by that Mod and then banned.

I come here very little, and post even less. This site will be forever tainted by over-zealous moderation and an ownership that seems not to care.

I like the newer forum and the family friendly posts at _2_.

My build thread for my new 180g tank is over at that other site. I have no intention of ever posting another build thread or DIY project on this site. I use this site to search for answers, then I go away.
An overzealous moderator would ban someone who even hinted at being previously banned. I guess I'm under zealous.
Is that even a thing?
If so, who exactly is zealous and why would I want to be under or over them?

More coffee whilst I ponder.
All that needs to be said has been ad nauseam ..

I vote this thread be locked...
The bottom has been reached..
I agree with these posts. This is my 2nd account here. My first account got banned for disagreeing with a Mod over something really insignificant. I first joined in 2007 and had thousands of posts before I was called unspeakable names by that Mod and then banned.

Really Chris?
Ninety two.
As to the rest of your comment... absolutely laughable and as accurate as your post count recollection.
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