How to make RC more active

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IMO many forums are slowing down simply because more people are learning to just search the internet and read to get the information they want instantly...
While I am active on this site I never post questions because I don't have the patience to wait for an answer.

Everyone can surf to get answers to most questions, the basics, but I believe most people just like to interact with other people who share the same interest
The traffic here does appear to be way down. Many reasons I'm sure and most are out of our control:( I do like posting questions still to see what people say to me personally, I'm also pretty adept at searching;)

Forums have a wealth of knowledge unlike FB and other popular sites. Everything goes full circle and I'm pretty sure forums are here to stay.
If RC would host photos so that they show in the actual post (instead of clicking on the thumbnail), I know I'd post a lot more. I no longer have the patience to use a third party site to host my photos. I was planning to start a build thread then remembered how much of a PITA is it to post photos. I'm still feeling the sting of using Photobucket.
Yes the photo bucket thing just caused a loss of valuable information in the old threads . When I do a search for answers I am lost because many of the diy info is destroyed due to missing pictures . There are still old timers here that have a wealth of information that I still seek . I only know about 25% of the hobby and still rely upon everyone else's input . I also see it as a duty to newer members to answer their questions for I was once there and was helped by many others that took time to answer . Yes I wish that some older members didn't leave cause I still need their input . I have been away for awhile and came back to see that many questions in the disease treatment section were going unanswered. Yes I want to say do a search to the posters but then again parasites don't wait a few days to kill off the fish while they are searching thru old posts
Yes the photo bucket thing just caused a loss of valuable information in the old threads . When I do a search for answers I am lost because many of the diy info is destroyed due to missing pictures .
Those photos are not totally missing... Just being blocked..
There is a simple fix to return them.. One being a browser extension for the Chrome browser (probably one for Firefox too) that does it automatically the other simply appending ~original to the URL
I'd rather have low traffic than vendor and "live sale" background noise all the time. I tried to get active in a local reef Facebook group but the traffic was 90% fly by night chop shops yelling about live frag sales of whatever the hottest trend coral was. "THIS FRIDAY ONLY THE FIRST EVER RELEASE OF ATOMIC SUPERMAN DONKEYNIPPLES!!!!!" followed by a dozen Instagram-filtered photos of a sad looking frag plug with a freshly cut coral glued to it. To each his own, but I have no interest in that. I'm here to build a little reef, not pursue money or bragging rights based on a tank stuffed with frags someone else has decided are popular or rare. These are living creatures to me, not pokemon cards.

Meanwhile I can come To RC and occasionally stumble into a debate between actual marine biologists about how nutrient ratios impact bacterial populations, or a DIY thread a hundred pages long showing off arduino projects or 3D printing.

At one point I was of the opinion that forums should focus on traffic and should do everything they can to retain and engage members. Now I feel like a more organic approach where you let a community find its own focus, regardless of size, is much more interesting and effective.
I belong to three forums one being my local club. There are probably only 3 to 4 members that now post on our website, Of course two of the four post on here also. On the FB page of the same club it is booming. I was on FB until the day I spotted a picture that came from my phone, that I did not post. Seeing that I removed everything and deleted FB from my life. I have enjoyed RC for many years, and will continue
Going to other sites is like spending the summer at your aunt's house.
Fun and exciting at first, but you can't wait to go home.

I have ventured over the fence, got some information, don't care for the format, I'll stay here thank you.
I do miss the monster threads debating the value or this or that and TOTM threads to provide goals and inspiration.

Maybe a "Guided Discussion" forum would spark some interest. In this type of forum, a moderator or guide kicks off a thread focused on a particular topic and keeps the posts relevant and helpful. I don't know what sort of permissions might be required or if it's even possible, but something new like that might spur some interest. Maybe "guides" would have to have provided a minimum number of posts or something.
I do miss the monster threads debating the value or this or that and TOTM threads to provide goals and inspiration.

Maybe a "Guided Discussion" forum would spark some interest. In this type of forum, a moderator or guide kicks off a thread focused on a particular topic and keeps the posts relevant and helpful. I don't know what sort of permissions might be required or if it's even possible, but something new like that might spur some interest. Maybe "guides" would have to have provided a minimum number of posts or something.

That could be cool. Like a mentor section where people would know who was going to respond.
I do miss the monster threads debating the value or this or that and TOTM threads to provide goals and inspiration.

Maybe a "Guided Discussion" forum would spark some interest. In this type of forum, a moderator or guide kicks off a thread focused on a particular topic and keeps the posts relevant and helpful. I don't know what sort of permissions might be required or if it's even possible, but something new like that might spur some interest. Maybe "guides" would have to have provided a minimum number of posts or something.

This is really good!
The guided forum would shorten the length of many of these threads . In order to have information readily accessible. Something to pull information from without having to go thru each page of a long thread . And if someone needs to read the whole thread they can as. It is referenced or linked
As folks have noted, many factors in play. Easy to search for something rather than posting a new question. More competition for eyeballs. The photobucket thing - a lot of my old threads are completely pointless now, and I have no interest in investing the time to fix them.
I was on FB until the day I spotted a picture that came from my phone, that I did not post.

I'm not on FB but a lot of friends and family are... do they access your entire library when you post there?
Good read. This was the first forum I joined when I got back into saltwater.

I love the info here.

I think its good to discuss ways to drive traffic back within the boundaries and mission of RC.

I admin our local clubs site and we have seen the decline in traffic as well. I am also on a couple of forums related to forum admin and all seem to conclude that fb and other social media are a big driver in that traffic decline.

I guess I am old and cantankerous... I don't like fb. never have never will, but I get the instant gratification thing.

And.. greedy photobucket sucks.. yes they did destroy tons of how to threads/articles with their thoughtless policy change.
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If there's any good that's come out of this, it feels like there's a lot less bickering with threads getting shut down a lot less than a few years ago. Even though the traffic may have gone down, I do think the quality of posts has gone up.

I think people are also being more respectful in that they're searching for information before posting a question. Many start with "I've searched for [blank] and can't find the any info. so I'm creating a new thread..." This in itself leads to less posting than in the past.
If there's any good that's come out of this, it feels like there's a lot less bickering with threads getting shut down a lot less than a few years ago. Even though the traffic may have gone down, I do think the quality of posts has gone up.

I think people are also being more respectful in that they're searching for information before posting a question. Many start with "I've searched for [blank] and can't find the any info. so I'm creating a new thread..." This in itself leads to less posting than in the past.

I agree 10 fold. I laugh every time I hear my wife while she is on FB complain what some one is posting about some one else. This song to me covers online post
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