How to make RC more active

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maybe, maybe not.

but, a "like" button motivates people to post more, as people like it when their posts are liked.

I also noticed, most prolific posters/contributors here that moved to the other site, are given awards or recognition. I think that motivates them to post more, hence a more active forum.

just reporting my observations.

Participation awards and likes, no thanks...
this thread is for ideas how to make RC more active, but there seems to be a some who want to keep it inactive with status quo. I think the objective of making RC active is to get more current, relevant and new info. New discovery, new tricks, cool stuff, etc. It won't be there if nobody is posting. whatever few questions posted have few or no reply. I don't think you can get what you used to get here anymore.

regarding contribution recognition, its no different from reefer of the month so its not that much of a change. just because you will never get one, does not mean others should not.
Years ago, we were able to put "HOT" links into our signature.
We also had the little red house.
It would be nice if a supporter
was allowed to add, within reason, a hot link in their sig, and bring back the red house.

I signed up for Aquatic Log, it updates some of my tank parameters once per day, and those I manually add will also be shown.

Like this:
Lol being one of the younger members what would encourage me to be more active on here is photo contests and give aways. I like the pretty pictures but being a bit younger my tank isn't as polished or filled out as the older members just due to time, experience, and money for live stock. Give aways aimed at less experienced members would help them fill out their tanks and encourage them to stay active on here.

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Lol being one of the younger members what would encourage me to be more active on here is photo contests and give aways. I like the pretty pictures but being a bit younger my tank isn't as polished or filled out as the older members just due to time, experience, and money for live stock. Give aways aimed at less experienced members would help them fill out their tanks and encourage them to stay active on here.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

If you don't have the time or the urge to post on RC you a fish, coral, pump, etc. won't change your mindset or schedule.

I personally come here to read and learn while sharing when I can because I enjoy the hobby. Teaching and learning brings me joy. That's my payment and reward for participation.

Buying participation will never be as good as voluntary participation. In both quality and length of time. Look at some people's work history. Some think an extra .50-1.00 more per hour is worth a different set of politics at a different company. Then 6 months later......
If you don't have the time or the urge to post on RC you a fish, coral, pump, etc. won't change your mindset or schedule.

I personally come here to read and learn while sharing when I can because I enjoy the hobby. Teaching and learning brings me joy. That's my payment and reward for participation.

Buying participation will never be as good as voluntary participation. In both quality and length of time. Look at some people's work history. Some think an extra .50-1.00 more per hour is worth a different set of politics at a different company. Then 6 months later......

This is why we need a like button! :rolleyes:
If you don't have the time or the urge to post on RC you a fish, coral, pump, etc. won't change your mindset or schedule.

I personally come here to read and learn while sharing when I can because I enjoy the hobby. Teaching and learning brings me joy. That's my payment and reward for participation.

Buying participation will never be as good as voluntary participation. In both quality and length of time. Look at some people's work history. Some think an extra .50-1.00 more per hour is worth a different set of politics at a different company. Then 6 months later......

Very well put!!! :thumbsup:
It's sad to think that this thread is just for discussion purposes only, as the mods have mentioned several times that the powers that be have no intent on making any changes. Oh well.
It's sad to think that this thread is just for discussion purposes only, as the mods have mentioned several times that the powers that be have no intent on making any changes. Oh well.

Yep. Like was said before, they're driving this old horse until it's dead...

Maybe someone can buy it though?
It's sad to think that this thread is just for discussion purposes only, as the mods have mentioned several times that the powers that be have no intent on making any changes. Oh well.

+1, :thumbsup:, like, & etc., on "sad". Continual improvement is the hallmark of many long term successful ventures.

Maybe the "powers that be" are reading this thread and maybe it with spark an idea. I respect the moderators and would not wish to do their job. It might be better if they just let the thread run its course without comment. At worst, it's doing no harm. At least it's getting some to post that rarely do so.
Who does own this and make changes around here anyway? Even on major social sites we know that. FB is the Zuck, reddit has Spez.
Yes he does.

His honest opinion and feedback would be nice on this.

He was gratuitous enough in the past to tell the story of how he acquired RC. How are his feelings about it now?

Maybe there some though spots/truths in the would of forum holders/owners that many of us don't know about?
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