So last month I shipped a package out and had a problem, where I had to go pick up the box I had sent, unpack it, after the box had sat at the FedEx facility all night. The following week these corals were repackaged, and reshipped with no problem. Also, for the first time, I had to ship a coral package in state, and learned a lot from that too. Here are my notes.
It was an experience (hope one not to have to do again) on unpacking one of my own shipments. First though, the story: My FedEx Priority Express drop off time is 6:00 pm. I target to get the package there between 5-5:30 which allows me time if any issues should arise during packaging. In this case, I was there and tendered the coral package at 5:15, no problem, right? Wrong. There were signs that I now know - should have been red flags, but those signs didn't cross me as odd at the time. BOTTOM LINE: Ask the clerk: Priority Express shipments didn't leave for the airport yet for the day - Right? This ensures the express truck did not get there early that day, as that was the root cause of this whole issue. In a nut shell, the express truck had passed by an hour early, and the employee tendering my package apparently didn't know. Further, as I explained on the first page of notes, you print your own shipping label so the clerk shouldn't be printing and sticking anything onto your box. If they are, RED FLAG, ask what they are doing. In my case, it was a new label, with a new priority tag. This was a Thursday, a package delivery for Friday by 1200pm (not 1030 which is something else I need to explore why). Anyhow, the new label said Monday... Which I doubt any of the corals would have arrived alive. Again, I didn't think a new label was odd and got my receipt, and left. Went home and added the buyers and my email address to the routing tracking number via the FedEx site. Still at this point, nothing seemed odd or wrong; not until the next morning. I normally have a few emails showing the movement of the package, for me in Denver, it usually always goes through Tennessee. Point being I knew something was off as there were no updates. I left for work (damn job getting in the way of my hobby again) and while at work, I looked online to see the package seemed to be at the first point drop off location. I called FedEx, and they said I missed the drop off time. I knew that was wrong and after explaining, they agreed and called the facility while I was on hold. They came back and told me the truck came early because there was forecasted inclamental weather in Denver. It was cold, but we didn't have snow but again, no one told me and I didn't ask. They ensured my package was held and I left to go pickup and unpackage the box. By the time I got there, and got home it was 10am. That's the average time my packages arrive to their destination so I decided to test the water temp of the corals I was unpacking
The corals inside were between 75.4 and 76.6 which is completely fine. Still though, the box didn't leave the closed facility, and it was cold out that night, 20's. Putting another heat pack in the small box I feel is more a risk, but I don't know how much lower the temp would have gone inside the frag water. There isn't an exact science but I've thought if shipping where the temp are between 20-35 deg, of putting a gel pack at the bottom of the box (heated to 80 deg so the heat can slowing resonate). I've never asked anyone to measure the temp but to be honest, I know from getting packages there are enough things for me to worry about and do, measuring temp water isn't one of them.
Shipping in state, I've heard and seen on FedEx site that one day delivery is possible for a large range extending from my city to most of my state, and even into some portions of surrounding states. Shipping ground is a heck of a lot cheaper than priority overnight. However, the fine print is this. Nothing is guaranteed and it can take up to 3 days. UPS was a lot cheaper than FedEx when shipping closer, so through my Shipnex account, I decided to try UPS. All and all it was the same, package and contents got there without a hitch. What I learned was ground is risky, so I don't have the warm fuzzy to trust it. Still, it was only $22 to ship where I normally see between $40-60.