how to tell what is too little or too much flow for a monti digitata?

nemo g

New member
started to collect monti frags and would like to make sure they are going to get the right amount of flow.

are there any tell tale signs that would give indicate either situation?

for examples, will too much flow cause the polyps to retract? or will they try to handle it even if it hurts them?

i have noticed that the polyps stay open, most of them, even throughout the night? is this a good or bad sign?

If your montis are getting too much flow they will start to receed and die from my experience... or if its just a bit too much their polyps will not open fully...

If they have their polyps open and the polyps are waving a bit that you can see, that is good...

yes it is normal that they keep their polyps out day and night IME
IMO signs of too much flow are little to no polyp extension. Too little flow seem to grow very thin spindly branches. Thick growth branches with good polyp extension would be perfect.