How to use your Profilux to precisely control a Calcium Reactor


New member
I came up with this solution after fighting "endlessly" with my calcium reactor to get it dialed in just right. 550 Gallons of water can be tricky to manage some times and keeping my Calcium and Magnesium stable has been a battle for quite some time. I either had too much flow through the reactor, too much Co2 causing the reactor pump to air lock, or not enough Co2 to actually dissolve the media. All in all it was a royal pain and something needed to be done.

As it turns out, the Profilux can do this, with the addition of one extra 3rd party item (available at many stores that sell RO unit parts *cough*).

Step One: Open your calcium reactors effluent line so it operates unrestricted (wide open). Measure the amount of output in a one minute period (in mL/minute). Open the "Timers" section of your Profilux software and create a timer using "Auto Dosing". Enter the mL that you measured earlier as the flowrate of the pump. Next, set your dosings per day to 24.

Step Two: Calculate your ideal dosing volume based on your reactors performance. Rough calculations are usually enough for this using the guide of 20 drops per mL of water. If your reactor runs best at 2 drops per second, this would yield 2 drops per second x 60 seconds x 60 minutes = 7200 drops Divided by 20 drops per mL = 360mL per Hour (ie: 360mL per dose x 24 doses in a day). Enter this number as your "Rate per dosing"


Step Three (extra hardware required): Install a fluid solenoid on the line that feeds water into the calcium reactor. Plug this solenoid into a socket that the profilux controls and define it as the timer you created earlier.



Step Four (Optional, if you have a Ph probe in your reactor monitored by the profilux): Configure your Ph probe for the ideal Ph to react with your media (typically between 6.1 and 6.5).


So how does this work? What we now have, is the Profilux maintaining a stable Ph in the reactor of Approximately 6.1-6.4. We also have a PRECISE metered dose of Calcium (and possibly magnesium in certain reactors or media) that can be precisely adjusted by increasing your "Rate per dose". No more guesswork!

By allowing the Profilux to dose for a brief period once per hour, this will allow for a much longer contact time of Co2 to Media, allowing it to react more efficiently. This also makes better use of Co2, preventing the loss of some of it to outgassing from the effluent.

Hope this helps someone, it was fun to tinker with!
if i empty my pm box it will only fill up again in 5 seconds, where as an email you can reach me anytime even when I am not logged into RC ;)

Emails instead of PM's cut down my workload by a huge amount and encourages faster responses.

Thanks for the above by the way, the more people that post how to's will help so much in support, it is hugely appreciated.
i would think the reliability of the fluid solenoid to be poor based on it having salt water in the line...

the reactor is fed with tank /salt water...wont that kill the solenoid quickly?
I have my supply line simply tee'd from my return pump to my main display so the actual pressure in the line is minimal. This is a poly solenoid and has so far been running great for 2 weeks with no clogging or visible wear on the unit itself.

These solenoids operate well at lower pressures so I wouldnt consider running it in line with a pressure pump, it would destroy the solenoid. However, when operated in this fashion, simply fed from a return pump its pressure is fairly low.
where did you purchase the poly solenoid?

I dont think the supply pump would like power cycling like crazy.... i will T off of the main pump
i was just giving this another read...

what about the co2 gas that is going in the reactor while the solenoid is closed? wont it build up pressure?

I am going to use aquariumplants electronic regulator for precise bubble counts...
I am going to revive this thread because I am considering doing this mod. My reactor is fed from my main return manifold, but controlling the effluent rate at the output side has been HUGELY variable. To the point of being useless.

Therefore I am looking for a way to control the effluent flow in a manner that will not encourage clogging.

I think that this should work well, It will take some time to get the kinks worked out, and I need to source a solenoid, but I have the spare Apex EB8 ports. Just want to make sure that I use one with an electronic and not mechanical relay. Switching so often would kill the mechanical relay I think.
If you want ultimate control over re-mineralization of your tank then the Balling method is far superior and a lot less equipment hungry

1 x 4 pump GHL doser
3/4 x fluid containers
some air line

You then have independent control over calcium ALK MG and other elements (if you use the proper balling salts)
If you want ultimate control over re-mineralization of your tank then the Balling method is far superior and a lot less equipment hungry

1 x 4 pump GHL doser
3/4 x fluid containers
some air line

You then have independent control over calcium ALK MG and other elements (if you use the proper balling salts)

But this thread is about having the same control with a ca reactor that a good 50% of us use! however, we don't use the profilux to control it, I would say you can have the same "ultimate" control using the profilux to control your ca reactor without all the hassle of mixing up balling salts :lolspin:
You can not achieve the same control thats my point, the misconception is a ca reactor doses all your elements, it does not, it doses ALK (why its called a ca reactor has always befuggled me) a small amount of Calcium and any organics that are in the media you use to boot.

To then get the same control as you would with balling you need to add a Kalk stirrer and add MG as and when required plus further trace elements.

Thats a lot of equipment.

The ProfiLux easily can control all these elements with 3 solutions in a very balanced way

whichever way you choose the ProfiLux can do both, just highlighting there are better alternatives to calcium reactors. :)
You can not achieve the same control thats my point, the misconception is a ca reactor doses all your elements, it does not, it doses ALK (why its called a ca reactor has always befuggled me) a small amount of Calcium and any organics that are in the media you use to boot.

To then get the same control as you would with balling you need to add a Kalk stirrer and add MG as and when required plus further trace elements.

Thats a lot of equipment.

The ProfiLux easily can control all these elements with 3 solutions in a very balanced way

whichever way you choose the ProfiLux can do both, just highlighting there are better alternatives to calcium reactors. :)

Sorry mate, utter rubbish, iv been running a ca reactor for over a year now, I use the arm media , my KH is solid at 8 my ca is solid at 420 ( which is in total balance ), and my mg is 1350.

1 ca reactor
1 peri pump

Both equal less room than 3 x 5 litre containers.
I'm going to buy a destaco in the next month or so, as they are even easier

Anyway, we are high jacking the op thread lol but could be a good discussion :thumbsup:
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what works for one ;)

If you did a poll you will find many not in the same boat this is why retailing ca reactors are very hard now and BRS sell so much salt.

But off topic I admit ;)