How would one of these fish work with my current fish?


New member
I have just about narrowed it down to what I want my last fish to be.Here is what I have in my tank now 2 maroon clowns,vlamingii tang,orange shoulder tang,bicolor angel,coral beauty,annularis angel,orange spotted rabbitfish,black trigger.I have a pair of blue throats I will be adding in a couple of weeks.I was wondering how would a sohal tang or dussimer tang or queen angel work as a last fish with my current fish?They would be small.My tank size is 430.Other fish thats in the running are a pair of raccoon butterflys,naso tang, or yellow tang.
I wouldn't add a duss either, they get huge (I know your tank is big, but they get huge) and they can get pretty aggressive when older. Out of the three though, the duss is the best bet. I think a naso or pair of butterflies would be better that you mentioned.
Yeah thats what I'm talking about.I wish would have been quick enough to get the one on LA DD yesterday but O well.Either I'm going to wait for them to have another one or get one from BZ.
I ending up adding a silver foxface,two barred rabbitfish,flame angel,cherub angel,blue hippo tang and a yellow tang.Well I had an accident between the black trigger and the orange spotted rabbitfish and the rabbitfish ended up losing an eye and dying.So since this is the second fish that has died by the teeth of my trigger he has to go.So here is what I was thinking about adding in his place.French angel or Emperor angel,Fowerli tang,regal angel,naso tang or 2 more yellow tang.Not all of them together I will be only adding two fish along with the replacing of the rabbitfish unless I get the two yellow tangs
I am setting up a 475g & I was told to stay away from a french. They get really big & equally agressive..... I will be putting a emperor, queen & a few other angels in the tank

Not all sohal's are mean..... so if you look hard enough & want one there are non-agressive ones out there
I'd stay away from a sohal. I got one that was a wimp in a buddies tank which was way to small for him yet in my tank which was 3x size he was an absolute terror! I've had several queens over the years and they can be aggressive too but not sohal aggressive. I have a French now how is an absolute wimp, never had an aggressive one, not to say they don't exist.

I would add some sort of butterfly. You already have angels,tangs and a rabbitfish, no butterflies for variety.
I usually get my stuff from one of a few local shops. The shop I purchased my sohal at had him for a month or two & was in with other tangs & smaller fish, he was maybe 2-3in long. Showed zero agression so I had to try him out. I have added 2 fish since the sohal & he doesn't bother any of them.

Last summer I had a shop order a sohal in for me & he was a killer..... I couldn't keep him due to how agressive he was towards everything.

They are a crapshoot...... if I couldn't see his personality I wouldn't get one....

It's a crapshoot with any of these fish..... hard to say what they will act like untill they are in our own tank. Yes to a queen......
Here is an update on the fish I have.maroon clown,vlamingii tang,coral beauty,bicolor angel,flame angel,annularis angel,two barred rabbitfish,black trigger, and a silver foxface.I'm getting rid of the trigger he has killed 2 fish already and has taking a bite out of another.Here is what I'm leaning towards adding 2 yellow tangs, purple tang,2 flame angels, blue hippo tang,orange spotted rabbitfish,tinkeri butterfly,saddleback butterfly and a scribbled angel.How would the new fish work with the old fish?Should I take a fish or two off the new addition list?All of these fish will not be added all a once
what's the gallons on your tank again?

that seems like a LOT of fish to add, even to a big tank. I wouldn't add two yellow tangs - I'd keep it to one. Don't know if the rabbitfish would get along with the foxface and rabbit you already have. So I'd AT LEAST take off one yellow tang and the orange spotted rabbitfish. The butterflies and angel may get beat up by the annularis angel - can you put in a divider after QT, but before new ones are set loose in the whole tank?
It's 430 gallon.I was going to try and put a divider in if I decided to put the scribbled angel in so I could put on in for other fish also.I figured that was going to be too many fish.The silver foxface and the two barred rabbitfish got along with the first orange spotted rabbitfish I had before the trigger killed him.The orange spotted rabbitfish was in there first so that may have been the reason they did get along lol.How many fish should I take off?
What about this add 2 yellow tang,2 flame angels,3 blue hippo tang and either a scribbled angel or queen angel or french angel.Which would give a trio of yellow, flames and hippo.