I would use Radion, and mount it perpendicular to the length of the tank. For and 8 foot tank you will need at least 5 Radion Pro's to light the tank adequate for SPS. The color and the control is exceptional. No chiller is a huge plus. My power bill does not bite me every month anymore.
Non of these combination of this and that. Maintenance on the Radion is minimal to none. None of these bulb change every 6 months or every year. The control is exceptional. Moon light, spectrum (although I use 100% on all channels at peak light). Stagger light turn on, dimming down periord, control of water motion, flow decrease at night..... The support is second to none.
You can easily mount these on a rack. Cover it up with a floating hood, or set the hood on top. Hanging the hood or rails, attach them to wall or leave them open with all the lines come down on one end, what ever you like.
No one said reefing is inexpensive. It is not the light for reefers on shoe string budget. Now that they have the 4th generation lights, The G3 Pro really come down in price. I have not use G4 but perfectly happy with the G3 Pro, even the G2 Pro. There are reefers who chase the latest and sell their G3 and G2, you may want to get these second hand.