Human Related Global Warming

Human Related Global Warming

  • CO2 and other green house gasses

    Votes: 18 64.3%
  • the sun

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • whats global warming?

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10380127#post10380127 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by HippieSmell
Yes, but the planet's ecosystem has balanced itself to those additions. Those natural additions are sunk back into plant matter, oceans, etc, so that the net increase in our atmosphere is close to zero. Our additions have created an imbalance that the ecosystem can not fully negotiate, hence the increase in atmospheric CO2.

Sorry man... but the earth's ecosystem does not "balance" to anything. It has evolved from day one. Organisms compete and outcompete each other daily. The climate changes and creatures adapt or die. This evolution has played out since the first amino acids combined to form cyanobacteria.

What gets so old about this is that somehow all of the creatures and phenomenon on the planet are to be viewed as "beautiful" and "natural" no matter how violent or life changing they are. Yet in the same breath, we as humans, are not counted as part of that beauty or natural part of the planet and instead we are to be viewed as evil and unnatural. The deluded romantic notions about nature and mans place in it are the source of half of this nonsense.

Sk8r has it right for the most part, as do a large portion of the scientists that do not get any credit or airtime.

The "global warming" debate has turned into a way for governments and groups to control people. The facts are long lost and the subject is quickly turning into a dangerous religion with millions of zealots pushing it forward with little or no comprehension of the ramifications or long term effects that the global warming religion will have on humanity.

Billsreef: you said The climate scientists have never said we're causing global warming, only that our increasing greenhouse gas emissions will cause the natural warming cycles to amplify Some may be saying that, but they are lost in the sea of the uninformed masses that preach that MAN is the cause.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10388991#post10388991 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Leilani57
I offset my carbon footprint, you can read here:

The IndyCar series uses ethanol and I am a very vocal and public supporter of NASCAR making the switch. And cellulostic ethanol plants are coming soon...

Good grief. I don't even know where to begin. Offsets? Ethanol?

I planted 50,000 trees this spring (honestly). All hardwood. How many years am I covered for? Ohh wait, Al Gore did not get the money, it does not count.

Carbon offsets are a complete scam man.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10389031#post10389031 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BeanAnimal
Good grief. I don't even know where to begin. Offsets? Ethanol?

I planted 50,000 trees this spring (honestly). All hardwood. How many years am I covered for? Ohh wait, Al Gore did not get the money, it does not count.

I think that's wonderful. Where did I ever say Al Gore had to get the money?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10389031#post10389031 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BeanAnimal

Carbon offsets are a complete scam man.

I'm actually a woman.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10389019#post10389019 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BeanAnimal
Sorry man... but the earth's ecosystem does not "balance" to anything. It has evolved from day one. Organisms compete and outcompete each other daily. The climate changes and creatures adapt or die. This evolution has played out since the first amino acids combined to form cyanobacteria.
Wrong. Nature balances itself quite well when conditions are stable.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10389019#post10389019 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BeanAnimal
What gets so old about this is that somehow all of the creatures and phenomenon on the planet are to be viewed as "beautiful" and "natural" no matter how violent or life changing they are. Yet in the same breath, we as humans, are not counted as part of that beauty or natural part of the planet and instead we are to be viewed as evil and unnatural. The deluded romantic notions about nature and mans place in it are the source of half of this nonsense.
I think humans are beautiful, we're just not using our brains to their full potential.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10389019#post10389019 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BeanAnimal
Sk8r has it right for the most part, as do a large portion of the scientists that do not get any credit or airtime.

The "global warming" debate has turned into a way for governments and groups to control people. The facts are long lost and the subject is quickly turning into a dangerous religion with millions of zealots pushing it forward with little or no comprehension of the ramifications or long term effects that the global warming religion will have on humanity.

Billsreef: you said The climate scientists have never said we're causing global warming, only that our increasing greenhouse gas emissions will cause the natural warming cycles to amplify Some may be saying that, but they are lost in the sea of the uninformed masses that preach that MAN is the cause.
If you think GW is a global conspiracy, I can't help you. And, Bill is right, you just fail to understand why that doesn't change the severity of the problem.
Hippie, I suggest a cliff notes review of planetary evolution. The conditions on planet earth have never been stable. The romantic view is that THIS current set of conditions is the RIGHT set of conditions that we must strive to lock in place. It is a shallow understanding of the planet, let alone the universe. You view the entire universe through your romantic and jaded vision of what YOU think is right. Sadly that view does not coincide with science or history. It only matches a small snapshot that supports your position.

Bluntly, I have read many of your posts regarding this subject and firmly beleive that you know very little about the subject and instead push your agenda with emotion and hearsay. I don't think you are a bad person, rather I think you mean well. Meaning well and being correct are vastly different things.

Global Warming is not a conspiracy, it is a misguided movement that has turned into a religion. It is a reality that has been part of the Earth's evolution and will be with or without man's presence.

Thanks hippie, but I do not need your help. The kind of help you offer is exactly what is fueling the misinformation and allowing the dishonest to harness this topic and propel it into a global governance of humanity.

Did the dinosaurs prepare correctly for the ELE that removed them from the face of the planet? What was the severity of the problem? What about the shifting of the continents and the extinction of species that has occurred because of it?

What do we say about species that extinct and/or outcompete other species? What about species that take advantage of others species? What about species that kill others out of malice? It has happened since life was sparked.

Why not extinc us all and let the earth be at peace? Would that give you the conditions you desire? Should we just wipe out man or should it be all creatures?

I do not fail to understand (as you stated in your response). The sinking feeling that overcomes me is that well meaning folks such as yourself are mired in the minutia and politics and fail to see the big picture. It is you who does not understand. Your stuck with some romatic notion that mother nature is beautiful and man is evil and needs to change.

Look at this thread: We have a race car driver that wholly believes that carbon emissions are killing the planet but in the same breath excuses their own pollution by providing offsets. It is comical and just too convenient.. The truly moral and honest thing for that person to do (If they honestly believe what they preach) would be to partake in the offsets but not the damaging activity. That however is not convenient.

Look at your statements over time (here at RC) on this subject, you own a reef and use electricity to run that reef. You own a computer and other technology that YOU justify using. Yet you are a very outspoken person on the subject of carbon emissions and mans impact on the planet. Nothing like having the cake and eating too. "That is a good idea, but not in my backyard" permeates humanity. It gets harder and harder to swallow the nonsense when you look at the real BIG PICTURE.

The GW movement is chock full of such well meaning but misguided or hypocritical people. Each has their own excuses: Spreading the word, buying offsets, privilege, etc.

I mean I think murder is bad, so I limit myself to a few people a year. You guys that do a few a month... well we need to pass laws and taxes to stop it! I buy offsets to help the familes of those I hurt... what do you do?

Not a far leap at all. The logic is exactly the same. You may want to argue morality... but don't step into too deep because what youy advocate to fix the GW problem has huge ramifications to humanity as well.

Hell eco-terrorism is on the rise and fueled by the same logic. It too (eco-terrorism) wil lbecome epedimic soon.

Several of the posts in this thread fully illustrate the real problem. The man made GW movement is being pushed by misinformation and a lack of understanding by people who value opinion and feelings more than facts and science. The same logic (lack of) that forms the basis of liberal thinking is the vehicle that this phenomenon is riding. Those at the wheel are blindly speeding forward with little regard to reality or the ramifications of their proposed fixes and at the same time doing everything that they preach others should not do.

Mankind is doomed, but climate change is not what is going to kill us... group think will.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10376512#post10376512 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Leilani57
Consensus as strong as the one that has developed around this topic is rare in science.

~Donald Kennedy, editor in chief, Science Magazine (speaking of global warming being caused by human influence)

Cant argue with that.. I mean after all the guy IS the editor of a magazine. This is the exact nonsense that is driving this whole thing. He speaks of science but uses an utterly non scientific statement based on non scientific evidence to support his theory. startlingly convenient and ignorant.

Sadly, this moronic statement from a seemingly scientific source will be used to author more "evidence" and "scientific" fact to further the point of view. If the man said that the earth were flat and many sailors agreed, would it be true? Would it be worthy of basing even more assertions and science on?

We left the science long behind and are now witnessing the birth of a religion that is furthered by fanatics, misinformation and fear. One that has no point of reference other than skewed fact and the drivel such as that from the "scientific source" cited above.

Any scientist or person who disagrees is labeled as a non believer who needs help. Any person who shows evidence to the contrary is slandered or silenced.

Anywa... I am outa here.

Sk8r: Thanks for taking the scientific approach in trying to shed some lite on this topic. I would only hope that more people would spend the time to understand a fraction of what you said. The world would be a much better place. All of this collective energy could be used for good, not for redistribution of wealth and the supression of certain peoples and culctures.
Damn there are some angry people around here.

Carbon offsets can work to some extent. As long as they are monitored.

Many of the people that challenge AGW are not getting much air time anymore, this is because there science is found wanting when looked at to any great length.

I would gladly read more debate on AGW if someone can show me a scientist that has not been discredited some way. I really do maen this, can someone refer me to anyone?

All that I have read so far is pretty convincing. I am deeply concerened about AGW.

Anyone who uses "the world is always changing" argument should really do some more research.

I am here to learn, if anyone has anything to back their agrument up with real science then please help me out. If anyone has only propaganda to back their argument up, then I am happy to help you out.

Even Exxon are starting to quiten down on the topic.
There seems to be a pervasive attitude in this discussion that if something is the result of human activity that it is unnatural.This is a ridiculous idea.We as humans act according to our natures.As does every other living thing on this planet.It is our nature to act to achieve that which we perceive to be in our best interests.I don't feel there is anything wrong with this,although many on the other side apparently do.Why is it OK for other species to act according to their nature but when humans do it it is condemned as unnatural?Now I know that perceptions of what is in our best interests vary widely,and that makes for some very rousing debates.But to condemn human activity as unnatural simply for being human activity leaves no room for any meaningful debate.If you disagree with my views that is fine.After all I disagree with yours!But this continous babble about how man is the fount of all evil and is just destroying this perfect little world is just disgusting.The world is constantly changing.It always has.It always will.Until it ends.Many forces cause this change.We are just one of them.As natural as all the rest.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10392611#post10392611 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by hankthetank
There seems to be a pervasive attitude in this discussion that if something is the result of human activity that it is unnatural.This is a ridiculous idea.
Fine, how about we start calling certain human activities stupid, instead of unnatural. Better?
What worries me is that some people do not grasp that the changes that AGW will cause will be catastrophic. This isn't just a few species that were going to die anyway. We are talking about the breakdown of ecosystems, and the loss of millions of lives.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10390294#post10390294 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BeanAnimal
Hippie, I suggest a cliff notes review of planetary evolution. The conditions on planet earth have never been stable. The romantic view is that THIS current set of conditions is the RIGHT set of conditions that we must strive to lock in place. It is a shallow understanding of the planet, let alone the universe. You view the entire universe through your romantic and jaded vision of what YOU think is right. Sadly that view does not coincide with science or history. It only matches a small snapshot that supports your position.
Maybe you should rely less on Cliff Notes and dig a little deeper. Condition stability is relative, but nature balances itself to whatever those conditions are. Are we helping to keep conditions stable? Heck no.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10390294#post10390294 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BeanAnimal
Bluntly, I have read many of your posts regarding this subject and firmly beleive that you know very little about the subject and instead push your agenda with emotion and hearsay. I don't think you are a bad person, rather I think you mean well. Meaning well and being correct are vastly different things.
Lol, oh, ok. What facts would you like? I've got enough to bury you up to your neck.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10390294#post10390294 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BeanAnimal
Global Warming is not a conspiracy, it is a misguided movement that has turned into a religion. It is a reality that has been part of the Earth's evolution and will be with or without man's presence.

Thanks hippie, but I do not need your help. The kind of help you offer is exactly what is fueling the misinformation and allowing the dishonest to harness this topic and propel it into a global governance of humanity.

Did the dinosaurs prepare correctly for the ELE that removed them from the face of the planet? What was the severity of the problem? What about the shifting of the continents and the extinction of species that has occurred because of it?

What do we say about species that extinct and/or outcompete other species? What about species that take advantage of others species? What about species that kill others out of malice? It has happened since life was sparked.

Why not extinc us all and let the earth be at peace? Would that give you the conditions you desire? Should we just wipe out man or should it be all creatures?

I do not fail to understand (as you stated in your response). The sinking feeling that overcomes me is that well meaning folks such as yourself are mired in the minutia and politics and fail to see the big picture. It is you who does not understand. Your stuck with some romatic notion that mother nature is beautiful and man is evil and needs to change.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10390294#post10390294 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BeanAnimal
Look at this thread: We have a race car driver that wholly believes that carbon emissions are killing the planet but in the same breath excuses their own pollution by providing offsets. It is comical and just too convenient.. The truly moral and honest thing for that person to do (If they honestly believe what they preach) would be to partake in the offsets but not the damaging activity. That however is not convenient.

Look at your statements over time (here at RC) on this subject, you own a reef and use electricity to run that reef. You own a computer and other technology that YOU justify using. Yet you are a very outspoken person on the subject of carbon emissions and mans impact on the planet. Nothing like having the cake and eating too. "That is a good idea, but not in my backyard" permeates humanity. It gets harder and harder to swallow the nonsense when you look at the real BIG PICTURE.
So, the "believers" should move into the hills and eat berries? Great idea. That's not the way forward and it isn't what anyone is advocating.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10390294#post10390294 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BeanAnimal
Several of the posts in this thread fully illustrate the real problem. The man made GW movement is being pushed by misinformation and a lack of understanding by people who value opinion and feelings more than facts and science.
Please, oh please enlighten us with your superior knowledge gleaned from the mysterious vault of data that has been forbidden us mere mortals. I kneel to your glory. :rolleye1:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10392807#post10392807 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BeanAnimal
newsflash scottras: It has happened many times before.

Really? When was the last time this happened? I know CO2 levels have been higher in the past than they are now, but not in the last 300,000 years.

At what rate did this last happen? What was the human population when it last happened?

Newsflash Bean: our current situation has NEVER happened before.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10392819#post10392819 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by HippieSmell
Maybe you should rely less on Cliff Notes and dig a little deeper. Condition stability is relative, but nature balances itself to whatever those conditions are. Are we helping to keep conditions stable? Heck no.
I do not rely on cliff notes. You are talking in circles. Are we part of nature? Does nature balance itself? There is no balance, it is a constantly evolving environment.

Lol, oh, ok. What facts would you like? I've got enough to bury you up to your neck.
Hippie, to be frank I have not seen your provide anything more than propoganda and the same old "science" that othes keep providing.

So, the "believers" should move into the hills and eat berries? Great idea. That's not the way forward and it isn't what anyone is advocating.
No just do as you please, buy your offsets and pretend your doing your part while looking down on the non believers. It seems to be working for a lot of you :) It is your right to beleive whatever you want. Just don't attack me becuase I think differently.

Please, oh please enlighten us with your superior knowledge gleaned from the mysterious vault of data that has been forbidden us mere mortals. I kneel to your glory. :rolleye1:
And here comes the personal attacks. Par for the course. Why is it that everytime you enter a discussion on this topic, you resort to this?

Why is it that those who preach kindness, tolernance and equality and open mindedness are usually those who the most closed minded and act in a way that contradicts exactly what they appear to preach? Baffling.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10393051#post10393051 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by scottras
Really? When was the last time this happened? I know CO2 levels have been higher in the past than they are now, but not in the last 300,000 years.

At what rate did this last happen? What was the human population when it last happened?

Newsflash Bean: our current situation has NEVER happened before.

Just because it has never happened does not mean that it humanity causing it. You can not pick a convenient time reference for each fact. You have to look at the whole timeline.

Does the fact that this warming trend started long before the industrial revolution matter? Shall we ignore that for the sake of convenience?

300,000 years is meaningless blip.

I am not interested enough in this conversation to put any more energy into it. To be frank, I tire of this conversation. Nothing good is good is going to come from it. If you are honestly looking for information to balance your knowledge, then I hope you find it.

Be careful what you wish for. The folks leading the charge have no noble cause in mind. Man made or not, the GW religion is quickly being exploited by greed and power.

Enjoy folks... good luck with the sunscreen.
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