I found a new way to kill Aptasia.


New member
I may have found a new way to eradicate Aptasia, clean rocks, glass and stir up and aerate sand. Or, maybe not I'm not the next recipient of the

Has anyone ever thought of using a waterpic like the one in the picture? The idea came to me about a week ago when I was using mine at the bathroom sink and I purchased a used one on Ebay for $40. I tried it out on some Aptasia the peppermint shrimp didn't want to mess with for some unknown reason.

I used with R/O water on full pressure on one attached to my feed lines. It literally DISOLVED in in about 2 second. I tried in next on a colony of small ones (about 20 or 30) that were all on a rock about 6 inches around. Again, for some reason the shrimps didn't want to mess with them. I check the tank at night a couple of times a night with a flash light looking for yellow Head Jawfish hatchlings since they are actively making batches of eggs. And the shrimp just had no interest on the colony.

Anyway, Within 10 seconds or so the rock was completely clean of the multiple pests. And it seems the high pressure water penetrated even the smallest crevices and COMPLETELY removed them. I'm monitoring that area to see what happens. And for some weird reason. That night when I did my peeping Tom thing that area of rock now had 5 shrimps scouring it. An area they previously avoided. GO FIGURE!

I next tried it on a couple of areas of rock that I had covered in that funky red algae. I used set the pressure for about 1/3 of what it took to dissolve the Aptasia. It vaporized the algae and it hasn't shown back up as of yet.

I turned my attention to the back glass that I never fool with and was covered in ........well, what ever the glass gets covered I when you don't mess with it. I can now see the back under water scenery I applied when I set up the tank.

This could be the next wonder tool (in my humble opinion) for the aquarium.

I know, I know. Before all the neigh Sayers jump my butt, Common sense would dictate a number of possible problems and an even LARGER number of precautions would need to be followed. COMMON SENSE being the key words here.
The most obvious one is when it's dissolved with the eggs (or what ever they spew to procreate) could compound the problem. well, having used a number of bottled treatments the do that anyway. Every time. So what's the difference. And I'm no expert. But maybe the instantaneous dissolving of them before they could take that action would help that problem.

The next thing would be to REGULATE the pressure according to what your doing and what's near the object your treating. Certain tips that come with this model 9the most powerful one made) actually have RED warning labels telling you NOT use it on full power in your mouth because it could damage your Gums. THAT'S the one I used on full power on the Aptasia.

And I wouldn't suggest using it PERIOD near the seams of your tank. Like I said...COMMON SENSE. LOL

So, should I submit my application for invention of the year for aquarists?:deadhorse1: send
Or has this been done before/


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Are you saying you removed the rock and blasted it outside of the water column/tank or blasted it while still in the tank. Little pieces of the nems will turn into new nems.
Are you saying you removed the rock and blasted it outside of the water column/tank or blasted it while still in the tank. Little pieces of the nems will turn into new nems.

If this cleaning is done outside the tank it will work great. If done inside the tank well, see above. Waterpiks are a great way to remove things from rocks in our tanks. You may be the first to apply them in the hobby industry but they have been in use for years in coral research labs, particularly molecular labs, to remove coral tissue and zooxanthelle from coral skeletons. Thus I offer this warning, be careful around your corals with it, you will destroy them otherwise. Like you said application of common sense goes a long way.
Great idea I haven't heard or it before
I use a needle with lemon juice
If shrimp don't work

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Are you saying you removed the rock and blasted it outside of the water column/tank or blasted it while still in the tank. Little pieces of the nems will turn into new nems.

Yep, any remaining pieces of aiptasia tissue will regrow wherever they settle in the tank.
Agreed^. The pieces will regenerate everywhere. So a problem will become a nightmare. Even done outside the tank, small pieces will settle in the rock work that you can't see. :(
The Apatasia will give that "PUFF" no matter what you do.

The Apatasia will give that "PUFF" no matter what you do.

Agreed^. The pieces will regenerate everywhere. So a problem will become a nightmare. Even done outside the tank, small pieces will settle in the rock work that you can't see. :(

This will happen either way people. Every Aptasia I've ever treated with APTASIA X has given that "PUFF" of eggs or what ever it is they spew shortly after applying the liquid. Same thing with the scalding water I've experimented with. Always the PUFF.

And after spending hundreds of $$ between All the peppermint shrimp, the bottle after bottle of Aptasia X (Not to mention the hours of back breaking injection process), the Copper banded butterfly fish that died in two weeks. And the hours of wasted time trying to scald them (and me) with boiling water. I really think I'm onto something fast, efficient, and cheap that WON'T DIE and gives me the ability do several chores quickly by simply adjusting the pressure and/or just using a different tip.

I've been monitoring the tank closely and it's my opinion the peppermint shrimp are eating what ever is left floating around and what hasn't ended up in in the protein skimmer.

As I said in my initial post. There was a rock about 6 inches around that had a colony of 20 or 30 small Aptasia that the shrimp was ignoring. After vaporizing the colony there have been 3 to 6 shrimp on the rock every night since. I'll certainly let you know if there is a problem. But right now there's no indication that there's going to be some sort of cataclysmic event here.

But I think the Waterpic is going to be my best friend against the Apatasia.:blown:
This will happen either way people. Every Aptasia I've ever treated with APTASIA X has given that "PUFF" of eggs or what ever it is they spew shortly after applying the liquid. Same thing with the scalding water I've experimented with. Always the PUFF.

That 'puff' is just the aiptasia exhaling stuff from inside, mostly water and NO EGGS! And that 'stuff' doesn't become new aiptasia like the bits and pieces of an aiptasia blasted apart by a water pic used in the tank.

I was just like you when the laser craze started. I was one of the very first to post about it here. I thought it was a great idea, and so did a lot of other early adopters. We were wrong and it didn't work. It didn't create new aiptasia, but if you didn't get the entire foot (which can be very difficult more often than not) it just grows back.

I wish you luck and I hope you have found a new solution... but I for one have serious doubts.:strooper:
Filefish and Aiptasia

Filefish and Aiptasia

Hi All,
Here is a photo of my Matted Filefish. He just came out of
QT last month and getting familiar to his new home. Needless to say I had a problem with aiptasia. He has been do a great job in riding my tank of them. Before the filefish I could count hundreds of
these little aiptasia every where. Now they are all but gone. He has been in my tank just a little over 45 days.

I have to agree with everyone else... Probably looked cool, but not sure how effective it actually will be long term.

If Aiptasia-X is used properly, they will not be able to expel their spores. You should be completely smothering the anemone, not just putting a little dab on their mouth.
Berghia Nudibranchs. Fun and fully effective. Just try to find a new home for them once you are done with them as without aiptasia, they die.
Hmmm. I admit that I don't know much about aiptasia reproduction (not to mention science books and French I took), but . . . I have to thank the OP for potential new method of killing aiptasias. I'm looking forward to hearing from OP about whether his method caused aiptasia tsunami or whether it took care of problem (temporarily of course given that aiptasia will always be with us, no matter what we do). Following.
Are you saying you removed the rock and blasted it outside of the water column/tank or blasted it while still in the tank. Little pieces of the nems will turn into new nems.

Little pieces, yea.

It's actually been documented that aiptasia can generate from a single cell!! Lol, isn't that crazy?!

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I use a large bore hypodermic with kalk slurry. If you can poke them in the mouth and inject something, they dissolve in a few minutes. I know the tentacles go floating away but they haven't spread. A few years later I see a couple of them in the tank but that's it.
Boiling water is incredibly effective. It stuns them immediately and then cooks them. No spores and no spread. I completely eliminated them from my tank using this method. Water burst I would highly discourage there will be 1000 new ones for everyone that is exploded.
No Aptasia yet

No Aptasia yet

Berghia Nudibranchs. Fun and fully effective. Just try to find a new home for them once you are done with them as without aiptasia, they die.

I know. I forgot to mention those critters. OUTRAGIOUSLY expensive and die. And just an update. 7 days after the first treatment with the power washer. No Aptasia showing. Maybe a combination of the power washer and the last 8 or 9 (Out of 30) peppermint shrimp working in conjunction is the key.

But, so far, so good.