New member
I truly understand your point but the fact here is not that I needed free treatment for Bella but lying just to rip my pocket is not acceptable. Stones in a bladder on a female dog is not an emergency just on males even though I asked for other options, just a couple of days to put the money together. Leaving Bella in a waiting room agonizing in pain is not acceptable, take her to the back and at least make believe your working on her. I can care less if you paid millions thru your career but my family member deserve respect because I'm paying for it, I will never beg for free treatment as a register nurse I know how much money we invest in our career. To bad they can't defend themselves in this forum but they will one way of the other because I filled a big complain on Banfield and cancelled her wellness plan active for seven years counting my other dog and it's my right to fight for it.