I need some helpers for moving a tank


New member
So i'll be getting Tim's tank this Saturday or Sunday, depending on who's available what day. He'll be in town Saturday and leaving the same day. But we can always get the tank on Sunday. If anyone is available and has or knows someone that has a truck please let me know. Also, what kind of drinks would you like? I'm planning on providing food and beverage (alcohol also if its wanted).
how big is the tank. i have a trailer and can help any of the 2 days except saturday morning. and did you said sake and sushi snack.ramiro
Alright. Here's the details. Its a 180G Starfire tank. Which according to Tim is made of 3/4" glass. It's gonna take 4 people to do this. One on each corner. I'll provide the food and drinks for whoever helps. And If you have requests, make em. I'm all about some Sushi Ramiro. Gekakhan!!
cool. pm me when and i'm there. count me as 1/2 for for one corner. only takes 5 mins to attach the trailer and it's good to go. ramiro.
Id be in for an after work Sunday thing. I have that Ranger, but the trailer would probably be the better option because of length.
I can help on Sunday. I think you should take Roy up on the offer of the trailer. You, me, Roy, and maybe one more + a trailer should do the trick.
I have lots of experience at moving/lifting HEAVY tanks.
Hey Barrett...i just found out that me and the wife are going to Jackson,MS to see my mother. She has been having some health
problems. Hate to say I'm gonna be there and then not.
This is my (soon to be Barrett's) tank and I can tell you it's got some heft to it. It's a glasscages model and is quite stout. I think I remember them saying it ships out at around 500lbs. It can be done with four people and that's what I had to move into the house. But the four people will really need to want to prove their masculinity or owe Barrett alot of money.
If I don't have to work, I can probably help. I need to get some stuff from Nick anyway. What length is the tank? The bed of my truck is 6.5' long, and I'm assuming the tank would be about 6'. If I can be there, I like the idea of using my truck... more protection from rocks, etc. JMO.
Alright everyone. I talke to Tim and he'll be in town about noonish (or somewhere about there) so lets have everyone whos helping meet at my house at 1PM. Once everyone's here we'll carpool to Tim's house in midtown and get everything together. Then its back to my house and Bob's-your-uncle its tea and crumpet time. Which brings me to the food and beverages. Who wants what? Let me know what you want to eat and drink so I can have everything ready.
Thanks again,
P.S. Our newest member Robbie will be here. He's had back surgery lately (past month I think) so he's gonna take it easy with the lifting. Thanks all!