I think I need to put a ph controller on my Ca reactor


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Hi everybody,

Hey I think I need to get some type of a PH controller on my Geo reactor. This way I don't have problems with the PH getting too low inside the reactor. I think my reactor is ready for this because there is a plug in the top of the reactor for a ph probe (I think that is what its for anyways)

What do you reccomend? I'm not sure how to do it so I'd appreciate your help.


Hey Chris,

Do you have the little pressure fitting that goes around the probe itself and attaches to the lid of the calcium reactor?

Ummm I don't think I do.. Do you sell em? I need to get another ph probe anyways. One of mine is acting VERY erratic. I think sitting in a box for several months unused after I tore down my tank might have screwed it up somehow.