I think my anenome is dead!


New member
I moved my anenome from one tank to another last night. I acclamated for about 30-40 mins and set the bowl with anenome/clown/crab in tank to let them find their way out on their own. So far the anenome looks bretty bad, the clown and crab are still with the anenome. It still has a foot hold on the bowl, is it still alive? should I remove it now before it stinks up the tank?
If it foot is holding onto the bowl he still alive. When they are dead, them smell real bad.
I'll get home from work in about an hour, I'll know then if he survived the day! I've had him for about 4 months now and my marron clown is very attached to him! I think he'll be more disappointed than I if he dies. what a stressful day I've had!
OK, I get home and my power is out! the temp got down to about 75 and the fish are not happy! But, the anenome looks much better! the power finally came on after about 1.5 hrs and all is good! Everybody had a good meal and I can sleep now! whoever said these things are relaxing obviously never had a tank of their own!