Damaged Colorado Sunburst

Thanks all. I set up the hospital tank. A 2.5 gallon glass petco tank. Nothing special. Using a small internal filter I had laying around as a pump for some flow. No filter media just an empty filter. Getting 25 gph so hitting 10x overflow. Using an AI prime (wifi version) for some light.

The anenome looks sad and deflated. A piece of tentacle fell off today when I moved it into the tank. Initially I tried using an acrylic mushroon box I got on Amazon, but it was the type shipped flat that assemble and it quickly fell apart. The anenome fell through the loose vertices of the cube and took hold on the bottom of the bare tank.

I considered trying to dose 25 mg of cipro instead of 250 mg but thought perhaps it wouldn't matter and the anenome is doing terribly so maybe it needs a big dose..
But I accidentally gave 500 mg because I didn't double check the size of the cipro pills. Whoops.

At the store it had a shape much like a mangrove, long and skinny, all tucked in with the tentacles folded like leaves and the mouth inflated.... now it resembles an empty balloon, yet responds when I move water past it.

Dicey situation. We will see if I can save it.

Gave the dose last night. As of this AM a couple tentacles fell off. They had been dangling loose when I moved it into the useless acclimation box. Still holding onto the bottom of the tank, but still looks awful

Day 2. Got a small PNW customs shroom box for it. Looks the same as day 0/1. Do I need to increase flow? There is 10x flow in there right now because of the internal filter pump (25 gph aqueon xs internal filter)
Do you notice any flow moving it at all?
Yes the water is moving but not significantly. I just haven't kept an anenome before much less picked up a half-dead one so I wasn't sure if I should have more flow. I'm going to look for a used wavemaker at the LFS
I’d look for a small wavemaker so that it’s getting some flow across the tentacles making them move but not blasting them
Grabbed the wavemaker from my 10 gallon and positioned it in the hospital tank. Seems to be going in a positive direction! Day 3 of antibiotics was last night. (Night 3?) And this morning the anenome tentacles are inflated! First time I've seen it do that! The lights just turned on so I'm hoping it will wake up a little so I can check the mouth. It didn't perk up right away after adding more flow so I'm thinking the antibiotics are definitely bringing it around. Especially since the other ones in the store were more normal-looking and in the same tank.

Looks to be headed the right direction, now I’d just keep up with the anti-biotics and hopefully you’re good to go from there.
Yes I'm hesitantly excited 😂
Thank you for the encouragement and advice everyone.

I am happy that I saved it from the store. They wanted to sell it for $700 when I first saw it and obviously were just leaving it to deteriorate in the for-sale tank. Here's hoping it continues on the up and up!
Update after completion of treatment night #4:

The anenome is still spilling its guts out. I'm fairly certain this is the mouth--can't imagine it is anything else?

I believe protocol says if the mouth is still gaping after treatment #3 to increase cipro to 500 mg so that is the plan for tonight for treatment #5 and beyond. Because the anenome is more inflated than before it is hard to assess if the mouth/inner gut spill has improved or not.

Also going to dose the hospital tank with Lugol's (Bob Fenner said there is no "overdosing" of iodine for anenomes in this 2017 presentation) and see if I can get some glucose syrup for it via Amazon...

Mesenterial filaments. Usually extend when bleached or otherwise stressed. One theory is it's to catch food since the zooxanthellae is disrupted in a bleaching event. Many people say not to feed stressed anemones, however I have no idea where that originates or if it's scientific.

Mesenterial filaments. Usually extend when bleached or otherwise stressed. One theory is it's to catch food since the zooxanthellae is disrupted in a bleaching event. Many people say not to feed stressed anemones, however I have no idea where that originates or if it's scientific.
Ah. I had always thought mesenterial filaments were more thread-like/filamenty but I guess any part of the digestive track is mesenterial.

Yes I had heard that too but I always figured that referred to not feeding it large things it would take into its mouth?

I don't know it it is undergoing a bleaching event? I thought the loss of zooxanthellae would mean it would be more "ugly"? I had interpreted the deflation/gut-spilling as bacterial infection 😬

I was skimming/reading a study about how anenomes receive glucose from symbioant algae and showed uptake when dosed with supplemental glucose. Since the hospital tank is sterile/algae-free maybe a good idea? Fenner described it as being analogous to humans getting Ringer's solution when laid up in the hospital.
Did 500 mg of cipro and it seems to look worse like tentacles are melting off 😬. Read about some losing all tentacles and then healing?? I work during the day so not sure if the box is bad trapping it with waste or if it is rotting :(
Not sure if it is improving. It stuck itself through the hole of the shroom box? Do I need to do anything to fix it? I tilted the box after I saw it like this to see if it gets more flow and stops