i thought some of you might want to see this


New member
Hey folks, I was recently made aware of a plan to begin a major aquaculture project in the Gulf of Mexico. I have no affiliation with any of these groups, but i thought some of you may be interested in attending this public hearing.

here's the information i was given, including a link with furthur details.

here’s the announcement i received....

Did you know? The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council and the National Marine Fisheries Service are federal bodies that make decisions about fish in U.S. waters. Right now, they are finishing a plan to allow commercial scale ocean fish farming â€"œ the growing of fish in cages out in open water - in our Gulf of Mexico â€"œ and are scheduled to approve this plan in January 2008!

If you are interested in learning more, or concerned about what open ocean aquaculture may do to your future and our Gulf of Mexico, please attend the hearing for Florida on:

December 10th: 6-9pm

Comfort Inn, 2260 54th Ave N., St. Petersburg


This is likely the last chance we will have to show the Council and NMFS that we care about this before they finalize the plan.

For more information call:

Kristina of Sierra Club, 352-375-1441

Joe of Gulf Restoration Network, 352-583-0870

The entire plan can be seen at:

http://www.gulfcouncil.org/Beta/GMFMCWeb/Aquaculture/Aquaculture Amendment PHDraft 1107.pdf
(be advised that this is a long report.)

It does not address important matters like:

· Location of facilities â€"œ will they be on or near fishing grounds or fragile areas?

· Storm damage â€"œ one good wave and there might be debris, fish and pollution released

· Protection for our Gulf â€"œ Concentrated amounts of fish food, fish waste and any chemicals or antibiotics that may be used to treat the fish to kill parasites and diseases or to keep cages free of algae and barnacles will flow straight into ocean waters through the open cages.

· Using more wild fish â€"œ our prey species like Gulf menhaden are already fished hard. More fish farming means the need for more wild fish to be used in feeds.

· Spreading diseases - farmed fish are held in captivity, usually in much higher numbers than would be normal in the wild. Cramped quarters, concentrated fish wastes, stress and other factors are often breeding grounds for diseases that can spread through the open cages to wild fish.

Ruining fishing, swimming and snorkeling/diving - The plan is to allow commercial scale aquaculture with the popular cages about 80ft x 100 ft each, close together, packed with fish. Picture spending time on the water where you see rows of cages, deal with odors from fish waste and feed and regularly lose your fishing catch or have to swim with hungry sharks that are attracted to the captive fish!
Thatis really interesting. Reminds me of an article about the "Farming" of Blue Fin Tuna in the Meditranian. Problem with this "farming" was that ht fish were not hatched in captivity, they caught immature fish and then "farmed" or more appropriately fattened them up for a year in pens in the Med.

This allows the fishermen to then easily harvest large fish. The problem with this method is that a large number of fish are caught before they can reproduce. As a result the Blue Fin population is still on the decline, despite "farming".

How will these new facilities work? I would love to read more about this proposal.

Here is a lint to the Farming article I posted on the TBRC site.


It is getting dated, so I need to find some more recent studies.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11346892#post11346892 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by WarDaddy
Thatis really interesting.

How will these new facilities work? I would love to read more about this proposal.

The entire plan can be seen at:

http://www.gulfcouncil.org/Beta/GMFMCWeb/Aquaculture/Aquaculture Amendment PHDraft 1107.pdf
(be advised that this is a long report.)

any additional information i could give you would come straight from that report, so my best recommendations would be to read that if you are so inclined, and attend the meeting tomorrow if you are interested. it is a public hearing.

some of the issues brought up about the Blue Fin in the Med sound like things to be concerned about with this project as well. particularly the possible effect this project could have on spawning activities in the Gulf.
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